Well, I got the right side redone a while ago:

I used a giant drywall mud applicator and that got the filler to lay correctly and blend into the existing structure. With that basically ready to go, I needed to work on the front fender. As a reminder, the bottom of it looked like this:

I put a little fiberglass on to back the holes and to re-create the missing chunk:

A couple thin layers of Evercoat took care of the finer detail:

And I just used a couple dozen coats of a relatively cheap satin black to approximate the original chip-guard finish:

With the Biturbo sold, I'm going to allocate those funds to the Miata so my next step, which I plan to do today, will be to get that fender re-installed onto the car. Then I can call around and see about getting someone to paint it. If at all possible, I would like to find someone that could manage to shoot only the areas that I tore up with the rust repair and blend it to the rest of the paint. Yeah. I know. But here's the thing: The car has a lot of little dings on it. I mean, a lot a lot. So If I'm going to have the whole thing painted, then I'd want to have all those taken out. Which would make it look much nicer, to be sure, but I am tragically cheap.
Anyway, we'll see what I can find. Once that is in progress, I need to track down some decent 14" tires, clean up those daisies that I got from Evan, run down (or maybe print!) some center caps, and then I'll have something worth driving on. It looks like if I move to a 195 section width there are some good Falken options out there.
The battery probably needs to be replaced as does the splash shield under the engine.
I have a tan top to install still, so that'll happen once the paint is done.
I would like to get some sort of modern-ish stereo installed that would involve Android Auto.
And then I want to go hit some of the routes that the Backroads of Appalachia people have cooked up.