so when I got it home, I took stock of what a $600 miata looks like, and what it would need. first order of business was using it to take my daughter trick-or-treating. she loved it from first blush. so, now that we have munchkin approval and lots of candy, we can start poling at it. all I really did was a thorough driveway inspection at first.
every panel has some damage. front bumper cover is toast, headlights are dim, windows are slow, brakes are not great, top has a huge hole, driver seat is torn, deck lid is rotted through, bose head unit is on its way out, and the car is filthy. oh, and the coating on all the wheels are bubbling/peeling
apparently, this car spent a bit of time up north. found some rust on the deck lid, and all the fasteners are pretty crusty. also, found some golds gym stuff crammed in nooks and crannies of the car from 2014 in Alexandria Virginia. so, its seem some salt....
anyway, didn't know if it leaked from anywhere in the engine. thought I smelled oil and coolant, but couldn't tell. so, a bit of superclean, and a garden hose, and we get here:
best way to find a leak is to drive it. so I did. this is the point where everything went wrong. I put a plate on a flipper, and insurance.
every time I do that, I wind up keeping the damn thing for a while.
well, I drove the car 800 miles this week. 26.2, 29.13, and 32.3 mpg. and love. lots and lots of joyously fantastic love. no wonder these things are called the answer. and, we know the other answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, is 42. so that's its name.
anyway, today was planned to give it a better once over. and start soaking all the bolts I can reach in penetrating oil for eventual maintenance. (using the ATF/acetone solution I read about here, loaded in a spray bottle)
to start the day, I seafoamed the top end through the PCV port. dumped a couple of ounces down in the engine oil as well. drove the 30 miles to dads lift, and pulled the plug. the oil was blacker than coal dust. car was already running better than before, so were on the right track.
4 quarts of penzoil, wix filter, and done. also changed the rear end fluid and transmission fluid. 2 quarts MTL, 1 quart mobil 1 75/90. all the fluids were black, magnets had a good amount of metal paste but no chunks. so, yay!!!
then went to check out the brakes. got some funky stuff going on. first, the rears need a brake job. one rotor has some very strange wear, which makes me think that the caliper may be seized. I will need to figure out how to do the rear brakes on this one, as I'm sure that its different from the proteges I'm used to.
front brakes, it looks like the pads are wrong. they really don't fit properly in the carriers. but, again, never messed with one of these. heres a really close up picture of what I'm looking at.
last thing for the day was to swap in my xentec 55 watt 5k hids in the factory projectors. there were two different bulbs here, and the lights SUCKED. their better now, but I need to polish the headlights.
I also have done some shopping. those of you that are familiar with the drivabeater series know that I tend to use the same body guy, as unreliable as he is, to bring these back from the brink on a budget. this one is no different. in the last few days, I have gotten a decklid with a factory spoiler (50), the side skirts (50) and a front bumper with mazdaspeed lip (200) I forgot to take pictures of these when I dropped them off. car goes in sunday the 13th for paint and body. hes chargine me 275 for it. so, the grand total investment to this point is 1225 in the car.
stay tuned. were just getting warmed up. when it comes back from body, we will work on a brake system overhaul, interior overhaul, top replacement, and stereo work.
I'm finally starting to understand why these things are always the answer around here.
I also need to find a way to get a towel as a permanent addition to the car....