So with the recycling company is willing to pay the damages to the H5, but being the time of year it currently is, I presume it will only happen next year.
So with some much needed home and security improvements scheduled for today, the weather had to through a curve ball and damage a High Voltage ae line to our suburb, ending those plans immediately.
So decided to check the H5's sparkplugs.
Kilo reading for record keeping

Right, so let us begin

Got some new Bosch sparkies

All important part number for future reference, which is supposed to be in another 65000 kilos

Double platinum... Yum

Number three is in a real E36 M3ty location, the reason for going platinum instead of standard copper core

Luckily just air filter and throttle body side of intake pipe needs to be removed

Sparkplug wire routing

Little oil seapage from number 1 plug. Looks like a tappet cover gasket and plug gaskets are in the future

Plug wires removed

Plug number 1 removed. All 4 looked the same, but 2 were finger tight only. Also all 4 were the wrong part number and each one was gapped incorrectly. Correct NGK part number for copper core is BKR6E-11, or atleast this part number gapped to 1.1mm, which neither of them were. Correct NGK Iridium plug number being BKR6EIX gapped to 1.1mm of Platinum plug number BKR6EP-11.
I am a bit old school and prefer my Bosch plugs. Even my FOX runs them.

Atleast the ECU has it's ratios right

Double Platinum goodness.

Plugs installed and torque to spec and wires installed

Patient's closed up.
And the verdict? Well start up sounds a bit more crisp, aswell as stationery throttle blip sounds better. Went for a Coke for mix at the Cafe down the road and butt dyno also says it is a bit more crisp at tip in from trailing throttle.