I haven't fallen off the globe, yet. Life got crazy.
We ran into some housing issues, and it was a good thing I had the truck running. It didn't run right, but I'll get to that.
We found some water damage that had festered for years, uh, a picture is worth a thousand words. So Saturday we torn into the problem.

And that was Saturday afternoon, that night our wall was black plastic.
By Sunday night we had it sealed up (mostly). I sealed and set the windows Monday before work. Oh and I have had lots of overtime lately, great.

The next weekend we ripped out the kitchen window which had water damage also.
We put 2 windows back in for more light.

And right now it looks like this, covered, inside is insulated and the subwall is up. And next weekend I leave for Boston for 2 weeks for work. So this is temp until spring. We plan to do some serious upgrading, but this will get us through the winter.

And all this time the truck has run like crap. But it runs. 50 to 60 miles a day to work, trips to get plywood and lumber and siding.
I had put plugs and wires in. 2 weeks later it developed a random miss. The idle dropped or stuck at 3000 rpm.
So that is 2 things, I finally got to them today. I cleaned the MAF sensor, that cleared up the miss. Then i cleaned the idle air solenoid.
While I was putting the idle solenoid back in I dropped the bolt, it landed on the valve cover seal, standing up.

This is lit up and remember its behind the intake near the firewall!
Ever see those vids where they toss something 17,000 times trying to stand it up?
I got it first try! 
I fired it up, smooth, no miss, idle steady and responding correctly.
So I cut the muffler loose because it was coming apart and sounded ratty. It rattled and well, look!
Oh and it clouded up and started sprinkling just as I cut the pipe. 

I stuffed all my garbage inside it before I thought to take a pic.
And when I say ratty, that is a piece of galvanized fence pipe welded into the system

I wanted it to sound better but I'm cheap so I bought the cheapest muffler at the auto parts store. A Cherry Bomb ....... Turbo! $43

I still have to get a support bracket. But it doesn't rattle, it is quieter (some times) and doesn't sound ratty. It does drone in the cab at times. When I get back from Boston I'll try to get it run out the back of the truck. I think that will help the droning.
I hope all of you going to the challenge have fun. I'll watch for updates.