Man, that really was a nice Sunday drive. We gotta do that more often 
Sorry for the backlog, but here's what you guys missed:
Got home Friday and no one was at the house. I had another meeting at 3:30 (the meetings will continue until morale improves) so I used the 10-minutes I had before i had to log in to pop that valve cover off:

That there bolt is the suspected leak point.
Saturday was another 2:30am day and my suspicions were confirmed when I saw all the oil had leaked out
Man was I happy it was something simple

Since it's my first run with the overlanding group, I'm not taking any chances. 3-washers and some black RTV goop. Wet install the bolt, and BAM!
We have clearance Clarence 

After that, it was just stabbing the dizzy back in, shooting the timing, and Robert's your father's brother
I found some scrap to mount the CB antenna in the form of an old engine accessory bracket. Oddly enough it came out of the 'Runner's engine bay when I bought it. I saw it there doing nothing so I took it out and put it in the corner of the garage.
Still reluctant to drill holes in my new truck I found a button head screw in the front bumper that was willing to give up it's spot for the new bracket

Oh, and the kid came out to help! 

(that's about 5:00 if you're keeping track of time
he helped me install the bracket by holding the top bolt while I turned the bottom nut.
After that, it was just a matter of getting that new spare stuffed under this beast

Which brings us up to here!

(more pictures to follow)