Oh man, it’s been a while! Where did we leave off?
Ah, so going back in time the trip to the ORV park was a nice little sendoff for the little ‘Runner. I did visit once after moving to Kuwait and her new owner and I made a trip up to the mountains for some shooting shenanigans. He’s replaced the carburetor, installed a trail gear bumper up front, and a few other things I’m sure but it’s been over a year since I’ve seen it last so who knows what else has been done by now. A good home though.
Skipping forward a couple years, on February 28th we made another big jump. This time we landed back in Hungary! (that’s right, Hungary Bill is back in the Bloc). We’ve known about the move since December and it’s been a mad dash getting things in order (well, still is). Mrs. Hungary stayed with the kids and I in the hotel for the first week. She did an amazing job house hunting and we’ll be moving in our new (empty) place on April 7th. It looks like this!

The garage you see on the front has been converted into our master bedroom, to make up for this, they built a detached garage that’s about half a garage wider than normal for the area (a major win for me, as most garages here barely fit the Alfa)
But until our move in day, it’s hotel life for the Hungarlings and I. They’re enrolled in the local schools and my mother-in-law flew out for a month to help me with them while Mrs. Hungary wraps up the odds and ends in Kuwait.
For transportation I had been searching the local classifieds and was having a darned hard time finding anything to get excited about, and that was beginning to cause a bit of anxiety as I really needed to have something bought and registered by the 21st of this month but didn’t want to spend a bunch of money on something I was just going to hate and replace…
Well, I should elaborate a bit on that last part. This place is “Cool Communist Car Paradise” (CCCP, see what I did there?). But most of those cars don’t bode well for the dad life, and I already have my hobby car back in the states (waiting to be shipped). Whatever I bought needed to be safe, reliable, decent on gas, and capable of highway speeds (communist cars tend to not be any of those). And of course for me the car had to make my heart go “pitter pat”.
Much searching followed. Fiats, Volvo Amazons, the aforementioned commie cars… They all seemed to have some sort of hitch that prevented their purchase (expired documents, no rear seat belts, unable to hit 100kph downhill with a tailwind, and so on…). I tried looking for newer stuff, RX-8s, Alfas 159 wagons, E46 wagons…. And I just found myself trying to talk myself into liking them. My searches became less and less restrictive, and I even started searching for German cars on “Mobile.de” (you know… because a 2-day weekend drive to Germany with no spouse and 2-kids with my mother-in-law would be possible). Eventually it got to the point I think my sole search criteria was “Manual transmission, pre-1990”, which yielded this little gem:

She’s registered as a 1989 4-Runner. Comes equipped with a 22RE (my first!) and a 5-speed.
I have no idea how this guy made it out here, but I was convinced the first gen 4-Runners were never imported out here. But here it is! With valid registration (until September), German owners manuals, and everything!
She comes with a set of spare rims and snow tires, and a whole heap of things that need to be fixed before its next technical inspections. Enough of that though, lets do a walk around!

So here’s the good and bad:
The Bad
Sounds like it has a slight misfire (it might be the duct tape on the intake tube, it might be the duct tape on the coil HT lead… it might also be the exhaust leak and loud muffler…)
It might just be my perception since I’m driving this immediately after rather quick E46 330ci, but it seems down on power…
2” body lift will not pass Hungary’s technical inspection (and is just icky poo)
Battery disconnect under the hood (which screams “a short is draining the battery” to me, but more to follow on that one).
Flat black paint, that wasn’t shot well. Gonna need a whole re-spray
Brakes are soft
To go straight, you steer 45deg left
Too big for the roads here
(poorly) home built exhaust that’s too loud. Seriously, 22R’s sound AWFUL. Why amplify that?
LPG kit that is kinda installed well, but kinda not. That’s coming out.
16” rims that I’m sure weren’t certified through the TUV (the people who do the technical inspections.) Those might have to be changed...
The afore mentioned duct tape
Poor vehicle choice for the area (seriously, 99% of the time there’s nothing that this thing can do in Europe that a station wagon couldn’t do just as well and be more comfortable doing it, while getting better gas mileage and being more reliable. (Seriously, driving this pig is like wearing your ski boots year round because come ski season you’re going to head into the mountains to hit the slopes)
The Good
It came with an extra set of rock-hard, dry rotted snow tires.
I like it. I like it a lot.
It came with this really cool key chain!

So yeah. I’m hoping for a family adventure wagon with this beast, but lets be honest, the cascades aren’t really close anymore, and most of Europe is easily accessed by station wagon (Kombi). Oh well, lets see what we can come up with!
(Also: I may be writing this in the present tense, but this all happened weeks ago. BUT! Since I've no garage yet I'll have the opportunity to play catchup while we wait for move day and household goods delivery. )
For now, here's what she looks like where she sits:

And here's what she looks like from the hotel room:

And here's what I look like in the driver's seat:

Cheers guys!
Disclaimer: Things are still settling, so it might be a while before I get into a routine that works well with garage and GRM time. Updates might be hit and miss for a bit. Not intended for human consumption, do not use this thread while driving.