Not mine but one that I have been following for a while. Up there with the long departed and missed Hugo the 240Z build.
This guys is building a car from nothing more than sheets of steel. And there is nothing basic about the design.

Ian F
1/15/14 3:19 p.m.
Well... I can see I won't be getting anything done when I get home tonight... 
1/15/14 3:26 p.m.
That primer looks like it was rendered.
Bookmarked. Not sure when I should add reading that to my project list...
Ian F
1/15/14 8:11 p.m.
Read all 28 pages.
I am in awe... 
That he scratch-built this:

...from raw sheet metal just blows my mind about what is possible when building your own car.
What really awes me is that he made it a 2nd time mirrored.
Metalmeet is a dangerous place.
nocones wrote:
What really awes me is that he made it a 2nd time mirrored.
Seriously. It's hard enough to get custom fiberglass fenders to match on both sides, let alone every bit of a totally custom-built sheetmetal assembly.
Ian F
1/16/14 6:47 a.m.
When you read the whole thread, his father owns the shop so he essentially grew up doing this stuff and watching/helping his father since he was knee-high to a grasshopper.
I'm sure a fair amount of natural talent doesn't hurt either...
Looks like he's making a Gumpert Apollo replica.
Ian F wrote:
When you read the whole thread, his father owns the shop so he essentially grew up doing this stuff and watching/helping his father since he was knee-high to a grasshopper.
I'm sure a fair amount of natural talent doesn't hurt either...
Yeah...But then again I guess we all had to start somewhere eh? Probably would not make the collective feel much beter if I mentioned that this is his second car?
Keith Tanner wrote:
Metalmeet is a dangerous place.
It certainly has been for my savings acount!
This looks like the same build that I've been seeing on the Retro Rides site. Pretty amazing stuff.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Looks like he's making a Gumpert Apollo replica.
You're just looking at the inner body in the pics above. The outer is all compound curves, quite different from the Apollo.
DeadSkunk wrote:
This looks like the same build that I've been seeing on the Retro Rides site. Pretty amazing stuff.
Yup, I've been following it there as well. Great feelings of inadequacy follow each viewing.
1/16/14 11:19 a.m.
First of all, Dead Skunk..Like I really needed another build thread board to feed the addiction.
Just so you know we all come from humble starts, here is Nick's first effort at a scratch built car.

Regarding both builds: Such amazing sheet metal skills.
Regarding the first car: such a horrendously ugly design.
I wish I had one tenth of his sheet metal skills.
Here I was patting myself on the back for welding a piece of metal between two existing pieces of metal for a suspension brace.
I suck
1/16/14 4:22 p.m.
That's insane. No human should possess such skills.
I thought I was a car builder til I saw this!!!!
Holy E36 M3balls. There go the next four hours.
Should be time well spent...
Ian F
1/19/14 11:16 a.m.
Cone_Junkie wrote:
Here I was patting myself on the back for welding a piece of metal between two existing pieces of metal for a suspension brace.
I suck
It's probably due to pure ignorance, but to me it's inspiring. It makes me think that what I want to do with my Volvo is entirely feasible.