In reply to a_florida_man :
Well, we complete agree. I hope that piston is reusable. Does Jaguar still stock that if not? Think Moss motors or Welsh would have one? Might check with Bill Terry, Stewart, any of the Jaguar wrecking yards have one? I've got one nearby if you need me to check.
Soooo dirty.
There is engine oil and grease behind the headlight... yikes.
So this will allow a LOT of air in to cool the intercooler and engine compartment, if...

We get all of this out of the way. :) Lots of recoup here in that stainless steel grille insert... it's special to XKRs.

Also lucky that the bumper cover and Air Bag sensors are not attached to the bumper bar in any way!
For the Challenge requirement for lighting, the driving lights will do.

On the driver's side, it looks like years ago the lens fell off... and just rode there behind the cover. Should clean up and repair easily.

At times, I think, it's a shame that this car has fallen to Challenge Car status,... but then again at the same time, all of this good stuff would probably not be happening to the car, if not for the Challenge. Soooo its all good.
And reversible.
Bumper bar and energy struts were OEM 1999 so, its probably never been in a big wreck...

Yeah, thats better....

Need to keep the intercooler happy, with the extra boost.
Also, to the theme of the Challenge being good for this car.... pulling the rear seats to look sporty and gain some recoup led me to find some rust that will be treated. Treat it now, or cut it out in a few years....

Along those same lines, when I clean the engine compartment and underbody, i'll be going into the cowl and front fender bottoms too. how may times have you found rust that was bad and thought, "If only 10 years ago some one had...".
Well this time someone will.
frenchyd said:
In reply to a_florida_man :
Well, we complete agree. I hope that piston is reusable. Does Jaguar still stock that if not? Think Moss motors or Welsh would have one? Might check with Bill Terry, Stewart, any of the Jaguar wrecking yards have one? I've got one nearby if you need me to check.
I hope it can be saved. I expect I can if the ring broke due to heat and carbon filling in the ring gap. Fingers crossed.
7/13/22 9:59 p.m.
What are you gonna do with it after the Challenge? I'd love to take it off your hands, depending on how salvagable it could be for a daily.
Mr_Asa said:
What are you gonna do with it after the Challenge? I'd love to take it off your hands, depending on how salvagable it could be for a daily.
Not sure really, stay in touch for sure....
Looking under the car, it was clear that there was rust in the floor boards.
Its a basically unloved 22 year old convertible that lived outside for the last few presidents at least.
There will be rust.
So, since I want the Challenge Car and the Daily Driver to essentially be done at about the same time, it was time to take a peek.

Pass side, not too bad. Holes, but no real structural stuff.
When I fixed the seat last week, a foam ectomy was suggested. Looks like a floor pan ectomy can get me 3 to 3.5" of drop.

Drivers side has much less rust. But it was water logged pretty bad.
Annnnnddddd some one put a garbage bag under the carpet. Not OEM. What a mess? What was that supposed to do?

It did do a great job of holding the water in, thats what it did.... I bet the driver's side carpet panel was at least 20lbs heavier. I saw the the same thing on a Z3 we had years ago.

Things were about to get ugly....

Another thing I enjoy about this stage is the elimination of janky stupid wiring. Sort of surprised they didn't find a way to work in some scotch locks too.

$206 no shipping.
Rare "Mexican" differential for x100's... 3.27 ratio.
And yes I know that there may be an issue with the transmission speed sensor since its an XKR... I'm thinking Arduino project... more to come.

In reply to a_florida_man
: what is the stock ratio?
I'm interested in why you are thinking Arduino over something more common like Mega Squirt?
Not saying you're wrong It's just that from what I've seen it seems Arduino seem to be tougher to adapt to various applications and find tuners familiar with it.
In one of your other threads, you explained the origin of your user name. After reading that, I thought of a piece of art a friend did. :)

In reply to dyintorace :
Thats actually a copy of a 1960's decal. Cool.
In reply to frenchyd :
It would just be used to reduce the speed sensor frequency, not actually run anything. Found an old IC that can do it.
IC CD4089
I came in expecting a full engine rebuild update.
In reply to a_florida_man :
Cool no other damage? Still not too late to LS swap it.
Stampie said:
In reply to a_florida_man :
Cool no other damage? Still not too late to LS swap it.
Not that I can see.
.0030 feeler gage between the bore and the piston lets me know that the top ring on #8 is broken near the 4 o'clock position. Absolutely no marks of any kind that you can feel in the bore.
Still need to pull the engine and the pistons to be sure but I'm hopeful the ring lands are ok.
Nikasil is your friend.

Dial bore gage suggests .0005 taper and essentially no wear.
This is the first time i've seen a blown up picture of the bore. From the picture, it looks scored / scratched. But when you touch it, its as smooth as glass... IDK
In reply to a_florida_man :
Those vertical marks really shouldn't affect anything. Oh, if you did a proper leak down you might find 2 or 3 % more leakage in that cylinder than one without the vertical marks like that but for average usage nothing to be concerned with.
In reply to frenchyd :
Yes, and the strange thing is that as ugly as they look... you can't feel them. It passes the "fingernail test".
Just leaving this here for future reference....
Build Date

Well, this just arrived.

And guess what... it just barely spun over to a little over 3.00.
Probably a 3.06. Much mre common. 3.27's were only in x100's sent to Mexico.

Well FEDEX ground delivered it, and the junkyard's return over ebay was instant, no questions asked.
The return method is drop off at a USPS, with a qr code for them to scan.
It was 116lbs. It will be interesting to see what the USPS says to that... I have no idea what the weight limit is for them.
Im worried I might find out.
I was right. The ebay vendor said the the USPS QR code was automatic.
They were going to have to use FEDEX.
We discussed it all over, and since I paid $206 with free shipping, and shipping was costing them $75 each way, I'm going to keep it at a greatly reduced cost.
Great folks to deal with, they were more than willing to give a full refund.
Now I have a core to tear apart to see if D44 gears can indeed be adapted. ;)
In reply to a_florida_man :
Did I miss something?
Is the diff in your car blown up?
Well kids, it looks like the guts of this differential might be D44.
I'll be really happy to be a noob on this subject.
Looks like a number of Jag Differentials have Dana guts?
Anyone on here been down this road?
I need to be schooled. (Frenchy?)
As it looks like right now, I am on the 3.73 and smaller carrier.
Im thinking 3.54 or 3.73 with a limited slip.
I love learning new things!
Indy - Guy said:
In reply to a_florida_man :
Did I miss something?
Is the diff in your car blown up?
No, just looking to wake it up a little.
I have a digital plan for speed sensor management, and an extra differential to play around with so.... why not right?
It has 3.06 stock... thinking 3.54 ish...
In reply to a_florida_man :
If it helps I've heard on the internet that it's D44 guts so it must be true.