Okay guys, time for a giant update on the garage! I'm glad to say that at this point all the wiring I wanted to do is complete. I now have a working compressor again and i can see in here at night thanks to new light fixtures. So lets see where to start.
We'll start with the biggest change and that was swapping out the old 20 slot 200A breaker panel. Now I'm not an electrician so I had help from the guys over int he electrical sub-forum before I started this and watched plenty of youtube videos.
I bought a nice 40 slot 200A panel and all new circuit breakers to go with on Amazon. then it was just waiting for things to show up. Once I got all the stuff in, I also had to wait till the wife was out of the house as I was going to have the power shut off for about 4-5 hours and she really wasn't on board with me doing this myself, she was rambling something about electricians and licenses and expensive words like that, I wasn't really paying close attention.
Anyways, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Old panel is full and can't be expanded any further.

New panel about to go in, mocking up location and size comparison here, you can see I have the wires labeled for the correct amp circuit breaker.

Grabbed my welding gloves and pulled these guys out and capped them off. I may not have called the power company to turn off the electric, so I capped them with plastic caps and wrapped them up with electrical tape. It's only 110v coming from the street so I wasn't too worried about zapping myself, i just didn't want a short. :shocking:

Next all the old wires came out. Look at all that spaghetti.

I then mounted the new box and reconnected everything at this point and it was looking like this.

Wish I could say I was done at this point, but after having the guys over in the GJ electric sub-forum take a look, they pointed out several code violations, so even though the old panel had lots of cables going through big openings, that was not to code. Out they had to come and I had to move them so it was only 2 cables per clamp.
Here's the correct wiring.

I also took this time to wire in the new garage circuits I needed for the compressor, welder and a powerstrip at my workbench.
Here's the outlets for the welder and work bench.

and here's the compressor outlet done.

Next up was to tackle the extremely poor lighting in the garage.
This is what I had to contend with..

One measly 60 watt bulb. Well that just wasn't going to cut it for a full on workshop with actual stuff being done in it.
I went with the fixtures I had installed at my last place. 8' 54W T5 HO units. I figured 3 would suffice for this small garage. I did go back and forthwith how to arrange them though, eventually I want side to side, i wanted to get some light under the garage door this time. At my last garage if the door was up it cut off the light too much, so I wanted to avoid that here.

I wasn't sure how I was going to put the light under the door, then I found an old bedframe up in the attic left by the previous owners, I cut it down to length and welded it up into one long L channel. Then I screwed the fixture to it and mounted it to some 2x4's that I attached to the ceiling joists.

I need to trim these 2x4's down some.

I have about this [_] much space between the door pull and the fixture and I can still fit my 4x4 fullsize truck under them.

Also got the last set of cabinets hung up and a nice 12 outlet power strip installed above the workbench. I still need to get an LED light strip for under the cabinets.

That's pretty much it for now. The next steps will to clean the walls and get ready for paint. I also need to scrape the wonderful cottage cheese off the ceiling, and get it painted.