And.. The forester is done which means back to the PriHard. But honestly I almost decided to not. I was very discouraged that I hadn't even gotten started by the 1st of the year substantially on the car. I had hoped that the Panhard would of been fully hatted during my long holiday break and that simply didn't happen at all. I nearly posted it all for sale as a pile but have decided to press on for now. I am hopeful that the next month will be fruitful on the build. If it is not this may get sidelined for a bit when LMP360 summer preps take over.
But since I was moving forward the first step was a gut check to put the cars side by side.

Observations: The panhard looks "regular sized" when it's by itself, but put next to a PRIUS which isn't a large car is is suprisingly tiny. But, The windshield and pillars still appear to line up, and it looks like overall height from the sills to the dash are wihin a few inches. I hope to avoid the ginormous flat sills that bodyswaps generally wind up with caused by modern cars incredibly high beltlines. The rear seat backs are a little further rearward in the prius then the panhard. The Rear seats may have to be fabricated to move forward some, however the rear bulkhead in the panhard may be "flexible" and might still work.
Either way, no mater what I saw enough.. Time to bust out the Sawzall.

I removed the rear of the interior, rolled down the windows, and grabbed a helper.

Core memory engaged. Remember that time we sawzalled a car dad?

*NOTE, He was stationary for this picture, when cutting I was right there beside him to ensure safe operation of the saw was occuring*
And after 3 long cuts the Toyota PRI-UTE was born.

I'll admit the looks for the roof would be a bit of a challeng but OMG why isn't this a thing?

The cargo area would easily be 40" wide at it's narrowest (the battery cooling fan ducts, could grow to 45" which is the wheel well to wheel well dimension). If you dropped a wall back from the seats which are adjusted comfortably for a 6' tall 240lb man the load floor to the hatch seal is 70" long. 45mpg ute? Yeah okay.
Obviously next steps for me are remove the doors and take the rest of the roof and windshield off. I just couldn't resist the chance to mock up a Pri-ute.
I'll put together the budget for the next post. This car is shockingly rust free. I haven't snapped any bolts off yet. I would feel bad except it's living on for good.
Car still runs and drives, I've grown a Airbag Light (of course since the side curtain bags are gone) and it will no longer lock because the hatch is missing which can be fixed easily.
If anyone needs any prius interior trim I may have it FOR SUPER CHEAP. I also have good tailights and a good rear bumper.
+3.5Hrs = 5 Hrs total less car retrieval time.