I've been in a weird place cleaning up the garage and buying and discovering new tools. One problem that I solved that had been plaguing me for a while was the lack of a drill press. So I went out and bought one, and promptly found out it was too tall to work with comfortably on my overheight workbench. I also found that I didn't really have a good place to put my bench grinder on the work bench, but with casting and work, I need to get it bolted down.
So I began a new project, to make both tools workable, storable, and mildly portable.
I started with a standard, run of the mill, 2 drawer metal filing cabinet that used to be a table leg.
Knowing it can take the weight of quite a bit of paper, but only really relied on such a small contact patch, I didn't want to put casters directly on it. Plus it has that one wonky corner. So off I went to the hardware store, thinking I'd buy some wood and build a base.
Then when I was at HF, I stumbled across an almost perfectly sized solution.
The only issue was the valley between the two ends. That wouldn't do to support much weight.
Turns out, a 20" long piece of 1x4 fit the gap perfectly.
Six 2.5" carriage bolts with nuts on the inside did double duty, of holding the 1x4 to the frame, and everything to the filing cabinet all nice and secure.
Maybe not the straightest holes, but those aren't coming out willingly.
I did some test positioning with the drill press, and didn't like how it was sitting directly on top of the cabinet. So I cut down some 3/4" MDF and attached it with self tapping screws. It should give me a good, solid base, without risk of dents or dings.
I put the drill press back on, lined it up, drilled some holes to match the holes in the base, and found out my 2.5" carriage bolts were too short to connect. That's fine, I've got a whole bunch of all thread, I'll just make some screw downs. Nope, I have exactly 1 nut that fits the allthread that I have.
So this is todays stopping point. After tomorrow, I should be able to finish the project and move onto drawer organization.