In reply to Billy_Bottle_Caps:
Gee thanks! I tend to ramble...
Which reminds me, I should ramble some more. So, earlier I hinted at racing and losing to a Civic, as well as thinking the thing was blown up. Well here's that story.
At this point I've had the car together all of a week, done a bunch of jet changes and gotten the thing running what I think is pretty strong and safe. Haven't stayed in it very long because, well there's no need to just be unnecessarily flogging 53 year old junk. BUT, should my friend in a B20 swapped EF Civic hatch come up next to me on the highway and want to have a friendly acceleration comparison, well sign me up. Fifty three year old stuff with an eBay turbo hung on it be damned, I want to see what this old girl will do! Well, I lost. We went from probably a 50 roll and I hung it in 3rd (drive- 3 speed auto...), he pulled down to 4th. This gave him a quick 2 car jump while I was waiting for turbo magic to happen (No I didn't brake boost, what do you think this is an official well sorted turbo car? hah!). So he's out 2 cars on me and finally ol' whistly McGee decides to light up. We carry on for some time, with me 2 cars behind but not losing any ground. Eventually we're going fast enough that I figure the old crappy brakes and tires are about at their wits end so I let out. I also realize that there's no way I'm coming around him even if I had the Ohio Mile at my disposal. -Smoke- plenty of smoke. Just kind of emanating from the bottom of the car. Still runs fine, still has oil pressure so I don't worry about it too much. Finish driving home, defeated, and get off the highway. Well now the car runs like E36 M3. Doesn't want to idle. So, being as untrusting as I am I'm sure it's blown up. Done. I make it home, pull in the garage, and pop the hood. Oil Everywhere. The dipstick popped out and it was hosing itself down with a nice oil bath from the dipstick tube. I go inside and lie in bed with the computer googling "turbo car pops dipstick up" which actually ends up being relatively common, especially in the DSM crowd. Some of them just put a throttle return spring on it to keep it in place. I also learn that having a PCV not plumbed to the intake is basically worthless, and can also cause some excessive pressure. I go outside, remove the PCV, put a better breather on the other vent, and call it good. Drive it to work the next day, get into boost a couple times, and it smokes considerably less, and will idle just fine. Fixed!
Well, it could still be junk, but later I did a compression test and everything is close to normal and it still runs strong, so I'm calling it good for the time being. If the rings are junk I'm not going to do anything about it right now anyway.
Thanks for reading! here's a picture for those uninterested in my barely coherent ramblings.