docwyte said:
Torn throttle body boot is very common on the 2.7tt Audi motors. It was the first thing I upgraded on all of mine.
I talked with my old service manager a bit ago about that. He said he used to change those pretty regularly AFTER the b5/c5 came out of warranty/lease. When people started working on their own cars. He pointed out that they aren't supposed to be mounted level. I was complaining that the mount for the MAP sensor in the silicone one was crooked and he point out that the bipipes go into the boot/throttle body assymetrically. One side was higher. If you did that, the sensor was level. They were torn because people were mounting the it so the bipipes were level, not the sensor. Sure enough, that's how I did it.
Okay, so it's been a bit since I updated. I stopped being able to post photos while at work. I can't access any picture hosting sites so I can't see mine or anyone else's photos.
I'll do some catchup.
Firstly, the ferrari just sits in the exact same spot. It's lame. I've been jabbing the owner to bring up the headlight/clips because as soon as I can bolt the front end down I'll roll it over and yank the drivetrain out of it and see if it's rebuildable/fixable.

Then I decided that even though I wasn't done with the Jaguar manual swap; I'd start something else. Another manual transmission swap!

The s4 got it's third pedal.
Which was easiest as an engine out affair.
After that a buddy tried putting a front mount intercooler on his s4 and the pipes wouldn't fit with the bumper so I trimmed them up/rewelded them to fit better. I was trying to get them behind the grilles but he was a bit impatient and wanted to leave.

Then I brought the jag back in and cut a chunk in the floor so it would be possible to bleed the clutch with the trans in the car.
I had to cut over 3" out of the remote shifter assembly.
While I was in there I decatted the car.
Later realizing I forgot to weld o2 bungs in. And then welding them in too far downstream and the harness wouldn stretch. I have this problem with planning ahead. I rarely do it very well.

Now it drives! The check engine light is on and it's flashing transmission fault issues of course. But man is it fun! Although after bolting it all back together I realize the front crank seal is leaking like a faucet. But it's on the back burner until I manual swap the next vehicle!

I found the auto trans case was cracked almost all the way around and I haven't a clue why. Instead of fixing it just to figure out how it broke I figured I'd just make it closer to what I want. Although this one is only a 5speed. It'll still be fun.

I'll continue adding, there's more but I'm supposed to be somewhere right now.