Today was a good car day.
I started the day getting off work early and heading to the junkyard. Back when I first swapped in the J32 engine, 2 of the rear bank injectors were bad. I swapped in the stock J30 injectors from my original engine as a fix. But, some internet sleuthing has recently shown that the J30 runs 240cc injectors, while the J32 runs 270cc. Could be an issue, although so far it doesn't seem to have caused major problems with the stock ECU.
I pulled a j32 fuel rail with injectors from the first TL I found. I also pulled some sort of idle control valve from the intake manifold of the same motor. Some forum reseach uncovered the fact that this valve can go bad and cause low power and hesitation, particularly at low RPM. Sounds like what my car has been doing so I snagged the part.
I then discovered a 2005 Accord hybrid, mostly picked clean but the rear brakes were intact, altho a collision on the driver side had actually snapped one of the knuckle/suspension arm connections on the knuckle side. Aluminum isn't as strong as steel. Anyway, I pulled the caliper brackets from both rear knuckles. Now I can run 11.1" rotors on my car, in place of the stock 10.2".
Then I went home and met Andrew Bense, frequent commenter and contributor of this build thread and J series transmission guru. He most generously offered his services for an ecu swap. The goal was to get the recently purchased '06 TL ECU up and running in my car. For some reason yet to be determined, his programmer could not communicate with the new ECU. Bummer. But, all was not lost.
Bense owns the same car I do. '06 Honda Accord 6 speed sedan, his has the black interior as the only difference. As the transmission guru he's got a custom close ratio transmission installed as well as a front brake kit and some junkyard coilovers. Otherwise his car is stock. I was able to drive his car and mine back to back.
I can't even describe how awesome it was to compare the 2 cars. It gives me an idea of how far I've come with my build. I haven't been able to compare my car to another like it since I started building it. Sometimes I get in my own head: 'is the car really that much faster than stock? Does it really handle that much better? Have I mostly ruined it vs what it's like from the factory?' Well I got all the answers driving the 2 cars back to back.
My car is way faster in a straight line. It's got probably 50 more hp and 400 less lbs than Bense's car so that's not a surprise but still validates all the work I've done to the engine. (Bense, if you're reading this, my traction control was on when you test drove my car. Would have been quite a bit faster and more wheel spin with that deactivated. I need to figure out how to deactivate TC permanently)
The rest of the car is right about what I thought. I've built a race car. Bense's is a daily. It shows. My clutch and flywheel setup is much more touchy, my car is louder, more of a rattle trap, and just more raw overall. But it's faster everywhere. And that's not crapping on Bense's car at all, if I had to pick one of the two to daily, I'd pick Bense's car 10 out of 10 times. It's far more comfortable. But I also didn't build mine for comfort. So I'm happy.
After this awesome experience and some super interesting conversation, I ended the day by installing the new (junkyard) idle control valve. Pic of the valve:

It completely fixed the low rpm power loss and hesitation. 100% gone. Amazing.