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RossD UltimaDork
7/6/17 7:07 a.m.

Looks greats!

DrBoost MegaDork
7/6/17 7:10 a.m.

I wanted to do this project on the cheap and never intended this to be used for critical listening. I wanted good, high-quality music for cleaning, cooking, entertaining, etc. With those needs in mind, I went with an inexpensive amp that I've been wanting to use in a project for many moons.
The amp I used is from China (no surprise, right?) and uses a very popular Texas Instruments chip and is the size of a deck of cards.

It is a 2.1 channel amp, supplying 50 watts into the left and right channels, and 100 into the subwoofer. It's stable with a 4 ohm load (that's a shock) and has a few qualities that made me chose THIS amp over the several similar models:
1 - low noise floor. This amp makes very little noise at idle, with nothing paired to the bluetooth card.
2 - Built in bluetooth module. I was going to go with separates to avoid ground-loop issues, but the reviews I read show that this doesn't have any issues 3 - The amp has a built-in, adjustable crossover for the subwoofer! This means I don't have to build a crossover for the sub, and I can tailor it to the room!
It was $40 shipped and works great. It pairs very quickly and has the power to make my family yell at me when I was giving it a workout.
Stay tuned for some pics of the cabinet with the amp and speakers in place.

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