Work bought a new (used) shop truck last week, so the old one had to go. I got the double-secret employee discount and bought this:

1993 Ford F-150 for $500.
5.0EFI (with the dual throttle bodies), AOD, A/C, PS, PB, cloth bench, 133K miles. Runs, drives, and has $500 worth of new front end parts.
Now what?
if you don't need a tow vech, I vote off road prerunner.
I haven't seen a '93 that clean here in less than sunny NH since '94. Well bought!
93EXCivic wrote:
Use it as a truck.
This. It's what my F150 is for. Chicks love guys in trucks.
For $500 I even like the color.
Ian F
6/13/13 9:48 a.m.
Javelin wrote:
1993 Ford F-150 for $500.
5.0EFI (with the dual throttle bodies), AOD, A/C, PS, PB, cloth bench, 133K miles. Runs, drives, and has $500 worth of new front end parts.
Now what?
Umm... does the A/C work? Sell it to me and double your money? Just wish you weren't 2800 miles away... 
If you have any use for a truck, you're in the enviable but sometimes hard-to-appreciate condition of having nothing to do but wait for friends to tell you they're moving 
Seriously, the only way that truck could be any more perfect would be to be an F-250. (I'm surprised how often I've come across the scales at the dump nominally overloading my 3/4-ton vehicles; this may or may not apply to you at all)
Well I paid for it this morning at work after SWMBO dropped me off. She's surprisingly happy with this purchase, we may keep this one instead of flipping it.
Long bed, bedliner, no tailgate, blue cloth bench, manual windows. I love vent windows! There's just something calming about driving an old POS pickup. I even left it on the country station.
I had to put $134.36 into a fuel pump and filter for it, but the shop mechanic here at work is fixing it for me now. 
93EXCivic wrote:
Use it as a truck.
This. Keep it stock looking, and add only useful stuff like tow hooks and toolboxes.
In reply to pinchvalve:
I told my baby sister I was going to turn it into a drift truck. She believed me for long enough for me to actually have to come up with details. FeeBay turbo, T-5 swap, spool, dropped spindles, put my FR500's on it.
It's long.... it'd be stable at some pretty gnarly angles. 
In reply to Swank Force One:
It's scary to think how good it could be, isn't it?
Oh, it wouldn't be GOOD, but it'd sure be easy.
6/13/13 1:40 p.m.
Holy crap that thing is clean looking.
I vote roller windsor build. With that wheelbase, I bet it won't lift a tire.
Bring it to MI and sell it for $2k+
I bought it to flip and sell, but SWMBO kinda likes it, and every person I've talked to in the last 3 years suddenly called/emailed/texted that they were moving/needed a load of gravel/sod/mulch/bricks, or needed a dump run.
Sounds like you should rent it to each of them for $50 + gas and make your money back in a matter of a few weeks.
Javelin wrote:
I had to put $134.36 into a fuel pump and filter for it...
Well, that's probably less than you'll spend filling it up. 
Sell it to me! I need a truck badly! Ask the poor subaru who is used like a truck (right now contains two tool boxes, a honda civic passenger door, window wiper assembly, etc).
In reply to accordionfolder:
If you're serious, I can be. Shoot me an email/PM. 
I got to work this morning and after I handed the check over, it wouldn't start. They had just filled it up. The shop mechanic wailed on the tank and it fired up, so we figured bad fuel pump. I grabbed one from NAPA and the mechanic went to put it in. When he dropped the tank, the wiring harness to the pump was melted. We bought a used pump setup and harness from a local JY for $40. He swapped the harness and the original pump worked fine!
So now I get to return the new pump (cha-ching!) and try to return the used pump (or exchange it for a tailgate).