Well its been a little while I finally got some pictures up loaded from the Crows Landing National Tour event. Rob and I were very happy with how the car performed. We've discovered SMF has some tuff competition and we are going to need more power if we hope to stay competitive.
It took about 19 hours to get down to Patterson California. We drove straight threw the night Wednesday and arrived Thursday afternoon. I was really glad we did this because it gave Rob and I much needed down time to decompress and relax from the drive.

We stayed the night in Patterson at a hotel. Friday morning we headed over to Crows Landing to get set up and have a chance to run the test and tune. We ended up camping on site. I am not sure if this was a good idea or not, but it worked out. Rob got heat stroke on friday unfortunately. Us canadians aren't used to that much sun.

The test and tune went well. Rob and I did 4 runs each on the short little 30sec course. We were amazed with how much more grip you have on the concrete surface. Rob and I noticed right away that the car was much more balanced then our "test runs" the weekend before. I am not sure if its due to the higher speeds, warmer weather or the grip levels of the concrete but it didn't matter. The car did exactly what we wanted it to do. It turned in well, the back end was easy to control It was amazing.

Saterday we got to meet all of our competitors. There were 5 of us in total driving 3 cars. The biggest shocker was the 2005 Acura TL. It had been revamped in 5 days between national tour events. The owner of the car was fast but dirty all day. Consistently his scratch times were half a second faster then Rob and I. The little CRX that was in our class was suffering from tuning issues relating to Vtech not kicking it. Rob and I were both a bit disappointed, we really wanted to see what that car would. As 3rd runs came to a close Rob sat 1.4 sec a head of me in 1st place. I had coned my 3rd run which would have beaten Rob, so I had to settle on my 2nd Run. Brett in the TL had coned every run, this put him 1.0 sec behind me. Knowing that Brett was faster then us Rob and I felt pretty comfortable that we had enough of a lead that we'd do well so long as we ran consistent and clean on Day 2.

Driving the course on Day 1 was a huge adrenaline rush for both Rob and I. Walking the course we knew it was going to be fast, but we didn't know just HOW fast. I couldn't believe the amount of time I was spending on my limiter. The back sweeper we were taking in 3rd gear foot to the floor. My data loger was showing 65 - 68mph in this section. It was UNREAL!.

Day 2 proved that anything can happen. Running the course in reverse was just as fast as day 1, all though we didn't end up in 3rd gear. My first run out felt pretty good but I ended up hitting a cone in the slalom. DAMN slaloms! Robs first run on the other hand was different story. He coned as well but he was having a real hard time with the back end of the car wanting to come around. My second Run ended in a DNF as I got really sideways on the 2nd sweeper element. I almost saved it and kept it on course but I had over corrected. When the front tires caught traction the car jumped right and I wasn't able to make 1 gate. Robs 2nd run was slow, very slow. We both concluded something was wrong with the car, the back end was almost uncontrollable. At this point Bret had shed his cones and he was proving to be just as quick if not quicker then Day 1, Laying down a 54.4 he jumped from 3rd into 1st.

In a mad scramble to try and get the car sorted out I set the front shocks to full stiff and the rear to full soft. As I thought about the course, I dailed things back in a couple areas where I was having trouble with the ass end of the car. This proved to do the trick as the car was much more balanced and I finished out with a clean 54.8. This moved me up to the top spot. I relayed to Rob what I changed and how much better the car felt and did the best I could to pump him full of confidence. Rob took what I had to say and ran with it, improving on my time with a 54.7. Brett was the last person in our class to run. I watched the time bored anxiously as Brett finished his final run. It was a fast run, but not fast enough. Stopping the clock with a 54.1. His dirty day on saterday stuck around to haunt him, putting Rob and I in 1st and 2nd.

Packing up on sunday we figured out why the tail end was so loose. Concrete has a lot of grip, but it sure wears a lot on tires. I would have never thought I'd cored a rear tire. Granted the rears were just what we had left from last season, I thought they would have enough meat on them to make it threw this season. Glad we have 2 more spares.

Rob and I holding up our "trophies"

The SMF class all together It was a great group of guys. We all had a lot of fun.