So, after building the "World's Scariest Volvo" I thought that I would give Mechanical Engineering a try after previously dropping out of Pre-Geology and Pre-Med. I couldn't get through Calculus II and after a Semester, I dropped out of that major also. This was also after majoring in Interior Design in order to create a portfolio in order to apply to ArtCenter College of Design, the world's premiere car design school in Pasadena, CA. Unfortunately, I didn't follow protocol about what size my artwork had to be and they rejected all of my drawings because they where too large and the models and car didn't count at all.
Anyways, after doing a half a block burnout out of their parking lot in a fit of rage while the entire car design class had discovered and was gawking at my car, I went home and designed and built this with the leftover drivetrain and suspension from my Volvo project. I had the entire suspension and drivetrain finished including brakes and fuel and only needed to finish the wiring to have it drivable. I even had a friend tow me down a gravel road where I drove in the ditch and was jumping approaches. It road great but after much reflection, I decided that finishing it would surly result in my ultimate death. Presenting my Yard Art: