Good morning and welcome back to Wheeler Dealers, the post where I take a modern classic, dress it up, and try and sell it on for profit. I've been working on this 2001 BMW 525i this weekend trying to sort out it's numerous issues and here's the next part of that process.
After I got through getting the air intake pipes refitted and the dodgy steering fluid reservoir replaced, I started cleaning up that tatty engine bay and getting the front end body work sorted out.
I started by removing the cowl plastics to get at all the leaves and debris that had fallen behind it, thanks to this perished rubber seal. In order to get this panel off, you need to remove the wiper arms, and you'll need to use a 3-jaw puller to get them off the motor assembly. Once those are off it's a matter of remove the screw clips and pulling it out. The rubber on this piece is not available separately from BMW and a new cowl is around $65, so we'll hold off on replacing it for now till I figure out if I can find a seal I can use from some other vendor.

These corner seals are perished also, they are about $13 new from BMW

This is what was waiting under that panel.

and here it is halfway vacuumed.

Once that was done I turned my attention to the front end. I removed the drivers side light as I have bought a replacement that matches the passenger side light.
While I was down there doing that, I took a closer look at that fogged up fog light. Turns out it's not full of condensation after all. it's actually over spray from a rather shoddy front bumper respray job. So out it came to get wet sanded.
I started by removing these panel clips in the grill section.

One that is out of the way, you can get to these 7mm bolts, and just twist the unit sideways to remove it out of the hole.

Here's the offending light, removed and ready to be cleaned. I used 1200 grit, the 2000, then 4000, to polish it out.

Ahh much better, still has stone chips but it's 100% better in person.

And back into place.

So that's it for all the work I got done this weekend. There's still shed loads to do on this thing and more parts to order. The drivers side headlight is on the way, and while I'm waiting for that I'll start to tackle some of these interior issues.
OH and I did get to start the car after the new intake boot was put on. And it runs! But since nothing can ever be "that easy" it still has a slight miss, so I hooked the scanner up to it to see what codes I got this time and it was only two.
- P0313 - Misfire Detected With Low Fuel Level
- P1343 - Misfire cylinder 1 with fuel cut-off
I didn't have time to troubleshoot any further, but I'm going to swap the coil pack around and see if it follows the pack and work up from there, so stay tuned.