And we're back with updates for this weeks Wheeler Dealers episode.
I just got a load of parts in from Amazon and it was time to fit them.

I started with the engine mounts, as most places online say that the job takes about 4 hours for just one side!
The toughest side being the drivers side.
Here's the new mounts all ready to go.

I started by jacking up the car to get to the lower bolts. These are 13mm.

Here's the other side.

I tried to take a picture of the old mount in the car but it's far too buried to get a good shot of. It's the sliver looking thing in the middle.

So at this point it was obvious the air filter assembly would need to go, to grant me room to work.

That's better. I also jacked the engine up about 1.5 inches. Here you can see the passenger side mount.

and here's the drivers side buried in there.

There's a special tool you can buy, but it's close to $40. so I just made this out of a swivel head 16mm ratcheting wrench and a cheap 1/2" wrench. I used the 1/2" so I could stick my 1/2" ratchet extension in the open end and put more leverage on the wrench.

It worked out great and I had the drivers out pretty quick after that.

In order to extract it I had to remove the A/C compressor bolts and push the compressor out of the way. i also took the swaybar mounts off to lower the bar out of the way.
Here's the old mount vs the new one.

Here's where all the old fluid from the mount went.

Putting it back went pretty easy. It was a little fiddly getting my hand on the bolt to get it started, but I got it worked out without too much cursing.
Then I went to the passenger side. I would say the drivers side tool about an hour and forty five minutes, this side took fifteen. Access was easy and the mount came out without an issue. I did have a harder time putting the new one back in though, getting my hand on the top bolt was tricky.
Here's the passenger side one.

I also replaced the trans mount. It was really easy. 4 bolts, nothing in the way. 10 minutes later I had the old one out and the new one in.
Here you can see the old cracked mount.

While I had the front wheels off I solderer in the 9006 connectors for the fog lamps and put the new temp sensor into place. Here you can see both in the passenger side front.

With all that out of the way I changed the oil. Out came 9 quarts of who knows what oil, and in went 9 quarts of Mobil 1 0w40 full synthetic, along with a new MANN filter and O-rings.
The last thing to do today was make a new Star badge for the engine cover. I had those leftover wheel centers, and they were just about the right size. So, a little trimming and I have a removed star.

I stole a book end from the wife's office next.. shh don't tell her. and cut out the mesh, glued it to the back of the cover with some shoe-goo. then attached the star tot he front with some super glue. I think it turned out pretty good.

And here it is installed on the car. Looks pretty sweet, and very much like the original mesh star that was there.

I took her for a quick spin around the block and man, what a transformation. Those mounts turned the car from feeling like an iron duke at idle, to the smooth MB that it should be.
I'll be writing up an ad and listing her for sale in CL this week, and we'll see what kind of offers I get. I may also swing by Carmax just for shizandgiggles and see what they offer.
I know I kind of shoot myself in the foot by putting my budget out there, but if anyone on here wants it I'll take $9k.
That's going to do it for updates, till I sell her. Wish me luck gents!