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docwyte PowerDork
5/27/22 5:04 p.m.

So the other day when my friend came over to check out the RM-ATV graphics I noticed that my license plate was cracked around one of the holes.  Doh!  Darn thumpers!  Didn't want it to fall off, so I grabbed a scrap piece of plastic in the garage, cut it to size, drilled a coupla holes and then 3M body taped the license plate to the plastic, then bolted the whole thing to the bike.  Hopefully that lasts awhile.

Other thing I've been wondering about is the height of the bike, specifically saddle height.  This is not a short bike and while I'm not a small dude, I'm also not huge, I'm about 6' tall.  Since I swapped out the suspension I'm basically tippy toes on the bike, or typically I scoot my butt over on the saddle so I can flat foot one foot.  The bike has a Seat Concepts saddle on it now and I have the stock saddle in my basement.  Just for kicks I decided to swap them out today. 

Well, discovered something interesting...  The Seat Concepts saddle is *definitely* taller than the stock saddle!  Noticeably so, I could easily get the balls of both feet down with the stock saddle, maybe even a bit more, while with the Seat Concepts saddle I was not even on the balls of my feet, kinda tippy toed.  Either the Seat Concepts saddle is a comfort XL or a tall saddle, sadly they no longer make a low saddle.  Also noticed that the stock saddle was quite a bit more narrow than the Seat Concepts, which probably means my butt is gonna regret this swap...

So for now I'm going to run the stock saddle, I've reached out to Renazco to see if they'll make me a "low" saddle for this bike, I've had their saddles on almost all of my other KTM's and they do great work.  I posted on AdvRider to see if someone has one they wanna sell, hopefully I get lucky.  Renazco usually is back logged 3-4 months to make a saddle...

docwyte PowerDork
5/28/22 6:21 p.m.

Had a great ride with my friend today!  Went thru a huge water hole, it ended up splashing up over the fairing and I actually got water on my googles.

The stock saddle is both good and bad.  The good part is with the stock saddle I can basically flat foot the bike in my moto boots, which is *awesome*!  Obviously the lower saddle changes the foot peg to seat height, but I got used to that pretty quickly.  The bad news is the stock saddle is *really* uncomfortable.  Like, can't really stand it for more than a few hours at a time.  So I'm trying to find a Renazco saddle to run.  Either a stock height or "low" one would work, so I'm on the hunt.

docwyte PowerDork
5/31/22 9:53 a.m.

Picked up another stock saddle for $40 yesterday morning.  This way I can send it off to Renazco and still keep my stock saddle on the bike to ride.  Waiting, somewhat impatiently, to hear back from Renazco about building me the saddle...

Professor_Brap (Forum Supporter)
Professor_Brap (Forum Supporter) UberDork
5/31/22 6:35 p.m.

In reply to docwyte :

That's the best fun waiting on a seat to be built. 

docwyte PowerDork
6/1/22 9:55 a.m.

In reply to Professor_Brap (Forum Supporter) :

Well, I'm waiting on Renazco to call/email me back first.  So far they haven't and I reached out to them early last week.  It's been years since I got a seat from them and while their voice mail and website are still up I wonder if they're still in business.

Hopefully I hear from them soon...

docwyte PowerDork
6/2/22 2:08 p.m.

Happily I was able to get Renazco Racing on the phone just now!  Woot!  So I'm on their schedule, they're saying August for delivery.  Which honestly is quicker than I expected but hopefully they can get it done sooner than that. 

I'll pack up and ship them my spare stock saddle today...

docwyte PowerDork
6/10/22 4:14 p.m.

Well, got caught up in the supply chain issues!  I'd ordered a Hammerhead shifter from Rottweiler way back in January and I just got it yesterday.  Oof.  Rottweiler was amazing, not their fault at all and I'll still be ordering from them.  Since I got it, lets install it! 

I marked the height of the stock shifter with a Sharpie on the engine case...

Here's a quick visual difference between the stock and hammerhead shifters.  They claim it's +10mm, not so sure about that.  I bought the one for size 11/12 boots, I'm wondering if I should've gotten the next size up...

One 8mm bolt and the stock shifter pops right off.  Interestingly, KTM calls for Loctite 243 on the bolt, Hammerhead specifically says NOT to use any thread locker, but to torque it to slightly more than stock.  Hmm, ok...

Eyeballed the shifter, popped it into the right spot first time!  Bolt back in with both the washers, KTM factory torque was 14 nm, I went to 15 nm.  Dunno?  Looks nice, I can hit it with my foot better it seems.  May ride it to work at the base tomorrow, not sure, the 996 is also calling my name...

This was the last ergonomic farkle on my list.  Next task is to handle the fuel filtering on this thing.  Profil makes a better "tea bag" filter that goes on the fuel pump, then Best Dual Sports makes a metal, cleansable filter that replaces the Mahle plastic in tank one (that's prone to cracking and getting clogged), then Golan makes a filter that goes in the fuel line before the fuel injector that replaces the tiny stock in fuel line filter. 

So I'll get those ordered up and installed and hopefully the fuel pump will remain happy!  I have a Quantum fuel pump sitting on my work bench but don't feel the need to install it if the stock one is still working fine....

docwyte PowerDork
6/14/22 9:31 a.m.

Only supposed to be 86F today vs the 100F it was yesterday so I hopped on the bike today and rode to work.  Happy to say that the shifter feels great!  Definitely easier for me to hit it with my boot, should be riding off road while standing much easier.

Also heard back from Renazco about my seat, they've got me in their queue and I'm all set.  Just need to wait for them to build it and ship it to me, hopefully get it soon!

Professor_Brap (Forum Supporter)
Professor_Brap (Forum Supporter) UberDork
6/14/22 10:17 a.m.

My big feet very much like a longer shifter. 

docwyte PowerDork
6/14/22 10:35 a.m.

In reply to Professor_Brap (Forum Supporter) :

Yep, I have size 12's and this shifter made a huge difference in my ability to hit it more easily. 

docwyte PowerDork
6/20/22 10:01 a.m.

Went for a trail ride with my friend on his Yamaha T700 Saturday.  Much fun was had!  I let him lead because his bike weighs at least 100 lbs more than mine, so if he drops it I can stop and help him pick it up.  Usually we ride at the same speed/level but not Saturday.  We were on single and a half to double track that was kinda loose with marbly gravel and sand.  He just wasn't feeling the flow and was going really slow, to the point where I had to really back off.  I was up on the pegs and just letting the bike surf around, felt great!

Anyways, really fun ride, neither of us went down, no bike issues etc.  We're heading off on a 5 day ride next month around Colorado, can't wait!

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 3:03 p.m.

So I live in a beautiful state with lots of great riding.  Have I done the COBDR?  Nope.  Have I done the Alpine Loop?  Nope.  Surely I've done all sorts of great riding tho?  Well, yeah, mostly day rides and I did ride around Crested Butte when the KTM Rally was there some years back.  Planned on doing it again when KTM rolled thru but the 990 I owned at the time had other thoughts.


So I finally decided I needed to just take time away from my business and do some riding.  My friend Nikos was able to clear his schedule to join me and I'm pumped!  Nikos and I ride very well together, which is something that's a whole lot harder to find than you'd think.  Same philosophy, similar speeds, when we want to stop, pictures, etc. We've ridden together and hit the close passes to Denver, see pic below...


He has a fairly new Yamaha T700 and I've got my KTM 690 Adv.  I needle him incessantly about how his "reliable" Japanese bike doesn't like to start when it's hot but it's an awesome ride and I'd buy one if I wanted something in the 475-500lb range.


However I don't wanna pick that much up, hence the 690.  Also why I usually let him lead, that way if his bike decides to take a nap I can help him get it up.  Cause I'm just an awesome friend, however I will take pics first...


I'm a pretty light packer, my Wolfman duffel will be on my tail rack and that'll be all I need.  Pretty sure Nikos is planning on using his Wolfman panniers and yes, I've been teasing him about adding even more weight to his ride...


Anyways, plan is to do as much dirt as possible.  Leaving Denver tomorrow morning and heading to Crested Butte.  Stay there that night, knock off part of the alpine loop and 550 the next day, then ride from Crested Butte to Carbondale.  Carbondale to Leadville, Leadville to home.


Will try and update every evening, I can't wait!!

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 3:03 p.m.

Alright, party started this morning.  Left my house at 8am, much to the distress of my doggo, Austin.


Met Nikos in Morrison and tanked up both tanks.  Headed up 285, up and over Kenosha Pass, which the leaf peepers love in September.  The back side of it is notoriously windy, happy to say it wasn’t that bad today.


Nikos needed to tank up in Fairplay.  I needed a break from the stock 690 seat.  Sadly my Renazco seat is a month out.  Saw this at the station, seems like a dubious claim.  Maybe highest in Colorado?


From there we stayed on 285, which was quite scenic but kinda boring.  At Poncha Springs we went up Old Monarch Pass.  The entrance was steep and very rutted with water damage.  It eased up from there and the summit was very pretty



So the way down was very smooth and that got me in trouble.  I decided it’d be a great opportunity for me to practice standing and playing with the shifter and rear brake.


I was in 3rd gear and coming into a left hand turn on a loose surface.  Went to hit the rear brake and I didn’t have my foot in the right spot.  No brake.  Tried again, same thing.  At that point I was in 4-6” of sand and down I went.  Fell right on my left shoulder, nothing appears broken but it’s still sore.


Got the bike up, did some minor work to the bike like straightening the rally tower, hdb hand guards etc and away I went.  A nice couple on ktm 500’s stopped and chatted with us while we did the work, appreciate it!


So I led from there, felt tentative but did fine.  Small stop in Sargents for trail mix and then hit Cumberland to go to Tin Cup, I had bbq on my mind!


The lower part of Cumberland had been graded and let me tell ya, both Nikos and I were not happy!  One part of my brain was yelling at me to slow down due to the incredibly loose surface, the other part was saying to keep up my speed.  Thankfully I did the latter, although it was freaking me out since I’d just taken a digger.


From there it turned into embedded rocks with some whoops.  Summit made!

Down we went and I laid down the hammer.  Something about bbq and being hungry!  Decent amount of traffic with side by sides.  Only one (!!) was watching their mirrors and pulled over a bit to let me by.  I have nothing against side by sides but people need to realize they’re not the only folks out here!


Sadly no pics of the bbq, trust me, it was awesome!  Small trailer across the street from Frenchy’s.  Great food, gal that runs it is a sweetheart.


From there it was “dirtment” and slab along the river from Taylor Park into Created Butte.


My low fuel light came on just outside town, went 270+ miles on the tank and had 2 gallons left.


Checked into the hotel, same place the ktm rally was back in 2015.


I got my gear off first.  Just saying.  Hit the pool and hot tub, then into town for an excellent pizza and bought food for the trail tomorrow.  Saw this at the store and laughed, could they be any more different?



Big day planned with part of the Alpine Loop as long as my shoulder feels up to it.

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 3:04 p.m.

I did get a pic of the pizza, yummy!

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 3:04 p.m.

So woke up this morning and my shoulder was feeling worse.  Awesome.  Decided to go get an x ray after breakfast just to make sure I’m not doing anything really stupid by continuing to ride.


Long story short, x rays are negative, possible rotator cuff damage.  Was told to take it easy the next week or so.  So Alpine Loop was out today.


Nikos was awesome and patiently waited while I got checked out.


After that we rode Blue Mesa and out to Black Canyon.  Very scenic ride, twisty pavement.  Interesting choice, wanted to see the scenery but the road demanded my attention as well. Decided it was better to pay attention to the road and not cross the center line vs gawking at the scenery.


Had lunch hanging out at the side of the canyon, sandwiches we'd bought the day before.


From there we rode thru Paonia in ass crack sweating heat.  95F, holy crap it was hot.


From there we rode up Kebler Pass, which is basically dirtment but coated in 3/4” gravel marbles.  CDOT must buy billions of pounds of this to spread all over the roads.  Damn it’s slippery!


Since Kebler is so easy, there’s lots of traffic, really important to make sure you ride on the right side of the road, which is easier said then done when the bike is dancing all over the marbles.


Nikos had serious target fixation, we were close to Created Butte but my butt needed a break from the stock seat.  Found a nice spot to hang out a bit

From there we checked out some camp sites that Nikos stays at.  Lots of traffic again, stay right!


Beers in the hot tub, then a quick ride into town for Thai food.


Did 235 miles today, bike got 64mpg!  Highest I’ve ever seen!


Tomorrow is an easy ride to Carbondale.

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 3:05 p.m.

Shoulder sit rep:  feels better!  Starting to form a momma of a bruise, it’ll be a good one!


Hit Camp4 coffee for breakfast, it was good and pretty busy.


So, fairly short riding day today mileage wise.  We went over Kebler Pass again, scenic dirtment with gravel.  Loads of traffic, ride right.


From there we popped out and rode pavement to road 265.  This road is a gem, a little of everything.  Forests, aspen alleys, high scrub, cows, creeks etc.


Started out as a forest, then aspen alley, which were really pretty to ride through.


There’s a cow down there on the left.  When they started coming towards us it was time to leave.


Then we popped out of the aspen forest and hit some fairly deep, consistent gravel.  It stayed like that for awhile, then lightened up but the rest of the way was pretty loose. Cdot with their billions of pounds of gravel marbles, if you ride here you're gonna get comfortable on this, whether you want to or not!

I love seeing these old ranch/cattle bits

It got pretty hot, not hot enough for me to take my pants off, but Nikos had other ideas, lol!

High plains.  Road got better, found this at one of our stops, RIP

Road got really tight and dropped quickly down into the valley.  Evidence of the road getting rutted by rain recently. You do NOT want to be out here after a good rain or in the middle of a good rain.  This road will turn into slippery snot!


It ran right into 342, which was paved.  We followed the signs to New Castle where we had a late but fabulous lunch at the Mexican place.


Then back on the bikes to Carbondale to our place.  Washed up, walked to the Carbondale brewery for dinner.


Supposed to be hot again tomorrow.  If my shoulder feels good then we’ll hit Hagerman to Leadville

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 3:05 p.m.

So I can answer a question.  I don’t know if a bear E36 M3s in the woods but cows definitely don’t, they E36 M3 on the road!  It was all over the road yesterday, ewww.


Ended up doing 143 miles yesterday, decided not to tank up this morning as I wanted the bike as light as possible for Hagerman Pass and I’ve got a 350mile range.


We stayed in an Airbnb in Carbondale with a guy and his wife.  Plus their 2 cats and 1 dog.  Nice folks and comfy rooms but it was a bit strange being in someone’s house…


Shoulder sit rep: sore in the morning but gets better as the day goes on.


Got breakfast in Carbondale and then headed out along the frying pan road to Hagerman which was just a lovely ride along the river and reservoir with twisty pavement.




That runs right into the dirt road to Hagerman, which had just been graded.  So it was loose, then had some fairly long sections of embedded rock.


That gets you to the trail head for Hagerman, which looks a bit intimidating as it’s loose and steep.  Steeper in person vs the pics


I decide to take the line to the right, made it no problem.  First switchback is no sweat but the second switchback surprised me as I couldn’t really see it.  I got stuck on the inside line and couldn’t gas it enough and dropped the bike.


Ktm decided to take a nap


Ended up breaking off my tail light lens.  I wanted to upgrade to the Sicass Racing led tail light setup but unfortunately they’re still outta stock.  So I’ll call the dealer tomorrow and buy another Oem one

Made it the rest of the way to the top without issues, definitely a work out tho, need to pick you way thru loads of embedded rocks.


Shortly after we got there two ladies on full rigid cycle cross bikes pedaled up the other direction.  I was pretty blown away that they’d ridden up on those!  They were both quite pretty. :raabia


 Wanted a pic but that seemed creepy, ya know?  So took pics of scenery instead.


On the way down there’s one section of really loose rock near the top, where the trail is narrow and there's exposure on both sides.  The back end of the bike gave a wiggle and in a moment of car racing reflexes I did the equivalent of “both feet in” which is exactly what I shouldn’t have done on the bike!


So clutched in, sped up, let the clutch back out, big wiggle and down I went.  On my left shoulder a bit too, dammit.


Nikos and the driver of a 4Runner helped me get the bike up.  Side stand spring had popped off, luckily we found it.  Used the ktm tool kit pliers to reinstall it.  Gotta say the bike crashes well.  Between the Highway Dirt Bike hand guards and the KTM rear racks it's pretty protected.


The Yenkro rally tower is mounted on a swivel, so when it gets hit it just rotates, all you have to do is turn it back where you want it.  Really clever piece of engineering.  Safari tank now has a good scrape on either side, I'd like to find some carbon fiber tank guards but don't think anyone makes them.  Thoughts?


Down some more, came to an area with significant water erosion with running water and ruts that crossed themselves.  Couldn’t see until too late that I was on the wrong line, had to cross over the ruts/water. That was a little sketchy but made it no problem.


Next part was loose rock, really skinny clean line right next to the drop off edge of the trail.  I shouldn’t have stopped but I did, then my brain started going.  The longer I sat there the worst it got.  Ended up duck walking the bike down one part with Nikos by my side, then cleaned the rest of the section all the way down.  If I'd not stopped I'm sure I would've ridden down it no problem.  Ugh, damn brain!


Whew!  Hardest pass I’ve done yet!  Clearly need more practice before I hit the Alpine Loop.


Rode into Leadville for lunch, most places were packed.  Went to the Chinese place, I can’t recommend it, food was meh but at least the service was surly and unfriendly.


From there we rode to Red Cliff, which is a charming town by the river and then did Shrine Pass.  Same cdot gravel marbles, then sections of embedded rock to the top.


See the ominous clouds?  It was spitting rain, Nikos wanted to run Shrine Pass backwards but I didn’t want to get stuck in a mud bog so we hit slab down vail pass, thru minturn, then up to Leadville.


We passed the SuperFund site right out of Minturn, interesting story about it.  Used to be a large mine and they built houses for their employees.  They did what mining corporations do and dumped all sorts of toxic chemicals into the land.  Not sure what ended the business for them but it got declared a Super Fund clean up site decades ago.


To my knowledge, nothing has been cleaned up yet.  Along comes a developer who wants to turn it into a luxury condo/ski area.  Promised the town of Minturn he's going to pump in tens of millions of dollars, will they do a,b,c?  So the town does, the developer hasn't done jack E36 M3 and now the town is suing the developer to try and recoup the money they've spent.


Total mess.  Wish I'd gotten pics of the area, looks cool.


Going over Tennessee Pass the weather really came down on us, rain, hail, huge lightning bolts and thunder.  Happy we didn’t go back on shrine pass!


Got to our Airbnb, charming old school place but screwed up way to get the keys to get in.  They give you a code to a lock box but don't tell you where the lock box is or which lock box your key is in.  Which was awesome since it was raining, we had all our E36 M3 off the bikes and were in moto gear and tired.


Was still raining and wanted to get pizza delivered but the place wouldn’t deliver.  Then said there was a 3 hour wait for a pick up order?!  Wtf buddy, just close up shop and go home.


Turned out fine, after we took showers it had stopped raining and we walked into town and had a great dinner.


Grabbed a bottle of wine and watched don’t look up on Netflix.


We rode 180 miles this day.  I got 67 mpg out of the last tank!

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 3:06 p.m.

Shoulder sit rep:  more swollen and pain then the day before.


Dammit, must’ve whacked it harder than I thought on that get off on Hagerman.


Plan was to ride Westin pass to 285 and then home.  Westin is easy but it has gotten rained on from the storm the day before.


I didn’t want to deal with mud, gotta work tomorrow and can’t risk screwing up my shoulder more.  I know some people think the adventure is when you get yourself all crossed up.  I've always been a really conservative rider since a minor finger injury puts me out of work.  So it was an easy choice for me to not ride into a potential mud bog on Westin.  I've done the pass multiple times already, so I wasn't missing anything.


Decision made to go over Fremont pass to Copper, then super slab it home.


First a good breakfast at the silver llama, which was right next to where we had dinner the night before.


Yes, slab riding but it hit my check list

Riding along a river

Curvy pavement

With a good friend


Copper Ski area



Happy rider


Scenic overlook near Georgetown.  Passed this a ton of times and never stopped.  There’s a narrow gauge train you can ride across the river, which I've never seen until today.  I’ve driven this portion hundreds of times, crazy.


Made it back home before noon


925 miles for the trip, no mechanicals for either bike.  I brought a spare fuel pump and filters just in case but didn’t need them.  If I hadn’t then I would’ve, ya know?


Doggo was happy to see me!

And in his pool after we went on a walk

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 3:06 p.m.

Some more pics from the ride. 

Don’t put on chapstick and then ride behind your buddy. You’ll look like a Goth Rider


Shrine Pass


Old mining equipment

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 3:07 p.m.

Final thoughts:


I love my 690.  It happily does 70-75 mph on the slab and is far more capable than I am on the trails.  Not to put the whammy on me but it’s been rock solid reliable. I couldn't imagine trying to lift a heavier bike up on the trails.  More power to the riders doing this stuff on big bikes like 12GS's etc.  Clearly better riders than me!


I put a hurting on the rear tkc80 tire and will have to replace it next spring, front one looks ok still.


Fuel range with the Safari tank is at least 350 miles using a conservative 50mpg.  I got mid to high 60’s for mpg most of this trip, as did Nikos in his T700.


Konflict suspension was very supple and let me ride right over everything, which was useful for when I screwed up and picked the wrong line.  Just gas it and go.


The stock seat is a torture device and having a bony ass doesn’t help!  I have a seat concepts seat but it’s higher than the stock one and I’d rather be able to almost flat foot the bike.  Should have my Renazco seat in another month.


Gear worn:

Klim Badlands suit

Klim helmet with cardo packtalk

Klim Nakpak

Wolfman duffels and tank bag

Sidi crossfire 2 boots


Klim has a very generous military program, hence me having all their stuff.  I love the badlands, it works from 40-100F as is for me.  When it rained and hailed I stayed dry.  When I took my digger I was mostly uninjured.  Yes, it was hot in the 95F heat but if I have to pick one setup for multiple weather conditions like we have here in Colorado (in one day!) this is it.


Wolfman bags are the shiznit!  Kept all my stuff safe and dry, very durable gear.  Rok straps thru the D rings and I was all set.


The Sidi boots I’m conflicted about.  I also have a set of the Sidi adventure boots.  I chose the crossfires for this trip for the better protection and stiffer soles as they’re more comfy to stand in.


So they’re comfy, better protection and easier to stand on the pegs with.  But, and it’s a BIG but, I have zero pedal feel with them.


So no feel on the brake or shifter at all and that definitely contributed to me not being able to get on the rear brake and crashing on Old Monarch Pass.


So I think that despite the better protection they offer I’m gonna default to the adventure boots instead.


Random thoughts:

There are towns in Colorado that I don't understand how people live there.  Hotchkiss for example, there's no industry there, no tourism, so why is there still a town there?  There are mcmansions in BFE, I saw several extremely enviable properties off 265, literally in the middle of nowhere.


Lots of cool abandoned ranching cattle stuff around where we were.  Really not that much traffic especially considering it was the July 4th week. 


This was a great trip, had a lot of fun and can’t thank Nikos enough for being flexible with the routing based on my injury and mind set.  Thanks buddy!!

OHSCrifle GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
7/13/22 5:08 p.m.

Cool adventure story Doc. Hope the shoulder heals quickly and you get more rides like this. I don't even own a bike and I'm jealous even with the offs. 

docwyte PowerDork
7/13/22 6:28 p.m.

In reply to OHSCrifle :

Nikos and I are talking about a Baja ride this winter.  Tow the bikes to San Diego with my Land Cruiser and leave the SUV/trailer outside my parents house or a friends house and then do the ride from there...

docwyte PowerDork
7/15/22 11:51 a.m.

Shoulder Sit Rep: 

Saw my orthopedist office yesterday afternoon and was diagnosed with a Grade 1.5 seperated left shoulder.  Doh!  Good news is it shouldn't need surgery, as long as I'm pain free after 6 weeks.  No real restrictions to activities other than taking it easy on moto and mtn bike trails.

adam525i GRM+ Memberand Dork
7/15/22 2:29 p.m.

In reply to docwyte :

Welcome to the club! It was an over-the-bars cyclocross crash for me that separated my left shoulder and now I have a fun bump to show for it where my collar bone sticks out and slight aches from it when I am standing/walking around for a few hours. Otherwise it's pretty much fine. 

gearheadE30 Dork
7/15/22 4:25 p.m.

Looks like it was a great trip aside from the few downs! bummer about the shoulder but fortunately nothing worse than that. I love riding those passes and recognize quite a few of your shots from my own wanderings; thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Couple comments about the bike and gear, from a lot of time adventuring. though I'm also a racer so maybe take it with a grain of salt. Your setup looks solid, well thought out, and those 690s are really fun bikes once the suspension is sorted.

  • Red loctite that shifter bolt. I know Hammerhead says no threadlocker, but it will eventually come out. I've never had an issue getting it back out with red loctite, but I have never had one come loose after I started doing that. I lost them all the time before, and have done whole races stuck in a random gear as a result. Not fun, and it's not any more fun on adventure rides when you have to pick down a rock-strewn trail trying to find the bolt and lever.
  • If the factory nord-lock washer is missing from the shifter bolt, I'd recommend replacing that as well. These have been missing from most of the used bikes I've bought.
  • I know you like the TKC80s...they are wonderful street tires. If you decide you want something a bit safer/more capable/predictable off road, try a Pirelli Scorpion Rally front tire and the Motoz RallZ rear. Then you will at least be able to stop and turn in the dirt, you'll actually have some predictability near the edge of traction, and you can run a little lower tire pressure. I personally run the scorpion rally front and the Tractionator HT rear on any adv ride on the 990, and even on that heavy bike they are good enough to really rail turns on pavement and aren't scary in the rain. The Tractionator front is pretty bad, and the reason I don't recommend the HT rear for you is it is very vague on-center which makes it feel like it has no grip on pavement, even though there is plenty if you lean into it. For whatever it's worth, I have a pet theory that the prevalence of the TKC80 is part of why adventure riders are hesitant to use their front brakes off road. laughand those freshly graded roads are an absolute dream to rip on with good tires.
  • Sidi Crossfires are great boots with some of the worst feel I've experienced. I have not used their Adventure boot and it looks decent compared to most of the glorified street boots marketed that way. But I've dropped the 990 on my feet before, so "adventure" boots always make me nervous for anyone further afield than a gravel road. Most other boots offer more peg feel than the Crossfire while having decent protection. I do most of my adventuring in Alpinestars Tech 7s which have served me very well. Tech 10s are great but the bootie is a hassle for adventure riding. Lately I have been using the Leatt Flexlock 5.5s for adventure and for racing, and have found them to offer great feel  while still offering a lot of protection. Sole life isn't great on the Leatts, but they are cheap enough that they may be worth a try. Safe enough that the last race I did on the 990, I actually wore the Leatts instead of the Tech 7s because they are so much lighter/less clunky which is helpful in technical stuff.
  • I've got a Seat Concepts on the rally bike and a Renazco on the 990. I think you'll be really happy with the Renazco. It will probably feel hard the first time you sit on it, but that hardness is a really good thing after more than a half hour on the seat. My bony butt has at least 80k miles on that Renazco now.
  • That wolfman tank bag is my favorite, love that thing. Perfect size and doesn't get in the way.
  • Tank protectors - 990s have the same problem and OEM protectors are NLA. Some guys have been trying things with Kydex to have a sacrificial surface there with some success. I'd stay away from the crash bar options out there - great for crashing on pavement but can cause a lot of problems crashing off road (point contact between metal tubes and body parts = lots of pain vs large tank surface area, catches on the ground and turns slides into tumbles, makes it hard to slide the bike around on its side if you get really stuck, etc. Learned all this this hard way.)

Looking forward to following along with the Baja trip prep! Definitely worth doing.

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