johnnytorque wrote:
Oh and check out the ghetto PS loop in the top pic! man if I could only do this car over, I'd change so many things!
I'll assume with the Ontario plates on the MX3 in the pic that it is not the actual parts car?
Nope, that's not the actual parts car. The actual parts car is far rustier. I think i've broken 50% of the bolts so far tearing it down. 
I like the PS loop! 
I think you had to have modded the front a bit... you've got the radiator tucked IN the support, and it's not like that on either the MX3 or the Escort/Tracer to start with.
I have a deep hatred for that system anyways, but yours really doesn't look that bad!
I still don't understand how the MX3 setup works. The overflow vent is CLEARLY not the top-most point in the system....
New Reader
5/24/11 1:06 p.m.
Still voting for DETHBOX plates for this thing. ;)
Cobra wrote:
Still voting for DETHBOX plates for this thing. ;)
That's probably what we'll end up as, though she DID like the 4-plate combo idea when i told her about it last night. 
Wait, i thought "DETHBOX" was for the MX6?
I got excited for a sec thinking you were in Ontario, I was going to hop in my car and come visit!
Sorry I can't remember about the rad, but you've got the baller Griffen rad so I would imagine you can do a more conventional type system. Man I can't wait for your project to be done, it just looks like it's going to be so badass.
johnnytorque wrote:
I got excited for a sec thinking you were in Ontario, I was going to hop in my car and come visit!
Sorry I can't remember about the rad, but you've got the baller Griffen rad so I would imagine you can do a more conventional type system. Man I can't wait for your project to be done, it just looks like it's going to be so badass.
I'm afraid the car itself will be a bit of a letdown... it's not anywhere near as clean as even your Tracer was. 
I just need some general knowledge on vented cooling systems. Why does venting off the radiator work when it's not the highest point?
New Reader
5/24/11 1:19 p.m.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Cobra wrote:
Still voting for DETHBOX plates for this thing. ;)
That's probably what we'll end up as, though she DID like the 4-plate combo idea when i told her about it last night.
Wait, i thought "DETHBOX" was for the MX6?
Dunno, I think it's a tie at this point...the Escort will be more apt to have you driving like a maniac and is smaller. The MX6 has more in front of you but it's missing the rebar under the bumper cover....
teh forzda of doooom is even moar doomier. i are eksyitid
Moar pics tonite!
HEI mod (GM ignition control module) and all my endlinks are here!
MFactory diff will be here on Thursday. 
So for the coolant... look at your Jegs or Summit catalog and get an in line fill point.
John Brown wrote:
So for the coolant... look at your Jegs or Summit catalog and get an in line fill point.
There's already one on the water neck. I'm not worried about filling it, but i'm not sure about how the overflow would work. The waterneck is the highest point in the circuit.

MFactory Helical LSD! (Taste the rainbow.)

AWR Front mount, 95 durometer.


Only the finest parts made in China for domestics!

Bad picture, but hopefully you get the idea. Where you're seeing white to the left of the trans boot, there was a nut. I snapped it off. That's the linkage attachment point to the transmission.
Dead blow hammer and a punch couldn't push the bolt/pin out, and neither could an air hammer. Don't see any way that i can pull it out the top either. Not thick enough to grab onto.

Methinks i'm just going to cut the linkage tonite and try to track down another. 6 hours later, i'm done wrestling with this piece of E36 M3. 
I love RockAuto so much.
New axles
Clutch slave and master cylinders
Inner and outer tie rods
Ball joints
oil pan gasket
All for $247 shipped!
MX3 looks like it got raped by a half dozen Mack trucks. It's bleeding out!

The next mod that will take the import world by storm: V-MOUNT AC EXCHANGER!

I am so hot for this project. Can't wait to see it finished!
Spent a couple hours yesterday starting to tear down the Escort.

For having close to 300k miles... the car is extremely solid. No rust on the doghouse, minor surface spots on the inner fenders only. I am very pleased.
I was very worried about what i would find.
Still got those interior bits? Been doin some work on my MX-3 and takin it for its 2nd AutoX this comin Sunday. I'm sellin the RX-7 Tiwn Turbo wheels and replacing them with 15" wheels with 205/50/15 R-Comps for AutoX and looking at the Falken RT-615K for DD tires. Ordering Coilovers early next week for it to help rid it of bodyroll. Still havin issues with the Studdering under boost so i'm gonna do a pressure test this evening and let ya know what i find,,, Possibly comin from the missing airbox lid..
The interior stuff turned out to be trash. 
I do have the hatch tray thing, though. All i ended up keeping off the car was the headlights, tail-lights, and the rare one-piece sideskirts i think.
Shoot me your address and i'll get a shipping quote for the hatch tray. Figure $10 + shipping? I'll grab some pics of it this week as well. 
Random pics from the day before motor pull. I drink Stella Artois while working on the car because i'm classy like that. 

Do do doooooo...
Disgustingly dirty engine bay. Pretty sure the crank seal had gone out on this motor before i pulled it. It was leaking everything, everywhere. Can't believe it still ran. There was a half inch of oil gunk build up on the passenger side of the bay. 

Suspension seems to fit pretty well. I may or may not revisit re-vamping this to see if i can get it lower, since i have the ability to do so without messing up my geometry. Might not be an issue, since the car is currently rolling on 205/60-15s, which are HUGELY oversized.

Cleaned and masked off. Notice the large patches of red paint just missing, exposing what looks to be bare metal underneath. This is where the biggest oil build-ups were.

Awesome build. Really like those control arms. One day, I'd like to do the same to one of my protege5's
I've got more updates to post, but this week has been ridiculous. Garaithon helped me out this past saturday, we got a bunch of little things done.