I really didn't need another project. Really.
However, when I popped onto CL this morning there it was with a decent price. So I drove 200 miles after work to check it out. Good seller; owned it since 2004 and a boat load of receipts.
I bought it.
I'm typing this while waiting for AAA to come take it home, I drove it across the street and parked it.
A little rusty and a lot used; her truck has a 460 so she had used this to take her dogs hunting; her cats cavorting and hay for the horses. The trans slips at high rpm; its a 4matic so that may be a big deal or it may just need fluid. Original plan was LSX and 6spd but it may just get used.
Anyway; I'll post if (and when) I do something with it.

Those cars look great. How does it get to the point where the owner does not care about the interior like that is beyond me ... this used to be an expensive car when new.
New Reader
6/25/13 8:20 p.m.
Cool wagon!
I ain’t never seen one of those before…. Is that an E class?
Yeah, it is a 93 300te; 4matic all wheel drive and hydrapneumatic suspension. It's somewhat funny; I knew it was elderly lady owned but when I got there I was surprised to see she replaced it with a lower mileage 1991 300te and she had a mint 34k mile 2004 GTI in the garage. Odd.
I'll start cleaning it out tomorrow; I went to work at 4am today so I'm beat now.
My shopvac took a dive after about half the car. The hair is insane and disgusting. Should finish that tonight and then I'll grab some synthetic ATF and drop and refill maybe tonight. I'm hoping that's all it takes but probably not.
Forget the shop vac, I think you need a shovel! 
After three hours of cleaning I feel comfortable sitting in the drivers seat. I have six more seat to go, lol. All the carpet is shampooed and the car has now been washed and with the door jambs cleaned out. What a pigsty!
My brother was a MB tech for awhile so he is checking with one of his former employers to see what they say about the trans but for sure just going to drop and refill and see what happens.
Sorry, no rear seat closed starting pictures but here is where the shopvac died

And here is where I finished up.

I can't see it gettin this bad unless they never vaccuumed it out in their ten years of ownership. The hard surfaces still need cleaned as well as the seats themselves but that is usually the easiest part with a toothbrush and some spray cleaner.
My Quantum's like that. I vacuumed the interior for the first time in four years of ownership last month. (I think there are still PO-supplied "spare parts" stuck under one of the seats, too)
Well, I bought it as a parts hauler/winter driver thing, wasn't too concerned. Neither was the PO. When I mentioned somewhere that I had to clean out the HVAC because the vents would blow leaf chunks at me, he said "Oh, that's how the car says 'Good morning'!"
Title is back and I'll get plates tonight; as long as that goes well I'm going to drive it around tonight.
Nice work, looking good! Hope the trans is an easy fix!
That rear carpet looks halfway decent now!
7/2/13 12:54 p.m.
"Resurrection" detail jobs are very gratifying once they're done. 
So, bad news is that the trans is worse now than it was and no longer has reverse. It appears a reman is $1500 which is about 5x what I paid for the car so I may buy a wreck or something along those lines and convert it to rear wheel drive....
Or it may just sit in the barn with the other cars.

Heave some of this in there, one of the few snake oils that actually works. And if itdoesn't, you're only out $15.
I have some; I'll drain a little fluid out so it doesn't go over full since MB trans hate to be over full. Someone said It is a seal that allows the fluid to drain out of the torque converter which makes the revs have to come up before engaging but even when warm it does the same thing so I really don't know.
Ok; 1200 miles on the fluid change getting ready to drop it again his weekend. What a smooth running car! Big issue is the lack of reverse; I plan where I am going and how to exit when I leave. When you put it in reverse it gives the normal reverse thunk but then it just stops as if something is actually broken. A friend of mine who rebuilds trans said to brake clean the valve bodies while I have the pan off to see if the valves will come unstuck so I may try that. Otherwise just enjoying the floaty comfortableness of a Mercedes!
AMG monoblock wheels will fix the transmission problems.

Yeah, I usually have wheels for a car before it runs so I have these 17" momo R3 sitting here for when I tackle the sls.

I've done the whole "No Reverse" thing before. You can adapt to it rather well, in a lot of cases.