In reply to TVR Scott :
Thanks for showing all of that. I plan to learn from my own mistakes too and will share them as they happen. I'm not nervous about any of this work, especially since we'll be making some new parts this winter before the paintwork. I figure we're learning some basic techniques right now and will learn more before the final parts. Plus, they are racecar parts that might get damaged, not show car parts, so it's crazy to worry too much about them.
I guess I'll share the paint plan and see what the hive thinks. I like to paint race car chassis with 2 thin coats of light grey epoxy primer and 1 coat clear. The light grey makes it easy to see things, the clear makes it smooth and easy to clean, and the thin paint makes it easy to see cracks and flaws. I'm not a fan of powdercoating on anything structural as it's so thick and can cover those cracks and flaws. The inside of the body will also stay grey, again so its easy to see things, plus grey is cooler than black on a sunny day.
For the outside of the body, I'll share what we're thinking about by first showing the influences.

This is one of my favorite race cars and paint schemes of all times.

I've been a PBR guy since long before it was cool (stupid hipsters).

My favorite hot-day treat.
See the theme? The plan is to paint the nose red, the middle section white (driver stays cool), and the back blue using PBR colors. I've always wanted to do a fade paint job, so the red will fade into the white and then the white into the blue, unlike the clearly defined lines on the Pierson Coupe. Bomb pops sort-of fade. I'll have to be careful with the red fade to white that it doesn't go pink, but I've tried samples and I think I can get it.
I also want to be able to pick the car out from the others on the track, and I think this will work. I'll admit I'm a little worried given the political climate that some people may think I'm making a statement by waving a flag (I'm not). I just love those colors, especially on the Pierson coupe.
Jack is wondering if we should paint the chassis and suspension white given this body paint plan. I'm still thinking grey for the chassis and either grey or black for the suspension bits.
We'd appreciate opinions and ideas! Oh, and the car and gear is packed in the trailer. We're heading to Road America tomorrow.