I'm hesitant to put any lights other than legal amber on the car. I've had absolutely no trouble with law enforcement and my car at this point, and I'd like to keep it that way. 
Thanks again for the working wig-wag! That's invisible unless it's on, and will be a hoot at car events.
In reply to White_and_Nerdy:
Around here you can have any color as long as it isn't run on a public street. Cross the river though and you'll be crucified.
9/24/12 11:04 p.m.
Please stop adding to this thread immediately...you may push me over the edge and be responsible for me purchasing a p71 as a DD!
I forgot to mention this...

First in SR at the Dirt MASSacre NER SCCA rallycross a couple of months ago.
OK, so I was also the ONLY entry in SR.
The only mod was my Firestone Winterforce snow tires and some extra air in them. I felt like Roscoe P. Coltraine in hot pursuit.
Here's a video.
LOL. Nice. BTW, I've got a package, now I just need to toss in the wig-wag controllers. Yes, that had an "s" in it. I don't think the 2nd works.
In reply to Tom Suddard:
Hi Tom, I hope you're still around. I have 2004 Crown Victoria P71 and I am a fireman at a small rural fire department, where if there's a first responder or fire call everyone responds. I need ideas on how to transform my vehicle into an emergency response vehicle. Keep in mind, all of my modifications will out-of-pocket.
I Need Suggestions, ASAP
Well, I'm no fireman but I guess I could help. Are you asking for advice regarding lighting?
New Reader
4/19/13 8:33 a.m.
Hi Tom, I'm sorry for such a long delay, but I still assistance. Any ideas?
New Reader
4/19/13 9:05 a.m.
Hi Tom, I'm sorry for such a long delay, but I still need assistance. Any ideas?
I've been looking at a P71 to use as a tow vehicle.
Crazy idea? 
I've got a hitch on mine, though so far I've only used it to tow U-Haul trailers.
I spent last weekend up on the Canadian border with SCCV, doing their event at an outdoor go-kart track up there.

Here's a video to go with it: P71 at SLMP
I expected everyone else to obliterate me, but although I was slower than most, it wasn't by much. I credit the power advantage I had over the fleet of Miatas (well, except the supercharged one), and not totally sucking in the turns. I learned the weak points of my car - tires (Falken Ziex 912s aren't track tires), brakes (my new EBC Redstuffs just arrived), abd on Sunday we figured out that my axle seals were leaking under particularly hard cornering. This sprayed fluid all over my hot brakes and wheels, which then smoked. I called it a day before anything ignited.
But no leaks under regular driving conditions - the car got me home just fine, and I can plan some downtime to get those seals replaced before the next time I do any crazy driving.
I think these are the first shots of my new set of wheels I picked up - nothing fancy, just OEM alloys from a 2003 Grand Marquis. That'll let me keep my snows mounted year round on the steelies, and allow me to do rallycrosses year round.
I should've taken some of you up on those offers of blinky lights, though. That would've made the car even more popular. 
Flashing lights would have really added to the chase cam videos too!
-Brian (white Miata) 
Well hi! Good to see you here. And there. And stuff.