My brothers odyssey, 160,000 miles 2005 touring.
new brakes
newer tires
newer wheels
Good running driving
has rust - see pics
has not perfectness - are pics
$2500 located in Delphos Ohio
he is on here also but not often. Hit me with any questions and I'll put you in touch with him. 567 2o8 91ate6
Looks good. What were the years with the funky trans (or was it motor?)
Not sure, I thought the trans was weak in the first three years up to 08 or something if they weren't taken care of
I know my dad's 06 was driven hard - no abuse, but not gentle with it. At only 150K miles when he passed, it had never had any signs of a trans problem. A friend is driving a earlier year, 97 maybe, - 287K with no transmission problems.