Oh My , that is a Deal if it's not rotted through. Best damn 4 wheel drive transporter ever.
That was a seriously expensive vehicle in 1988.
In reply to Woody :
30 years is a long time for depreciation to take it's toll...
Mint ones are big bucks. Most parts are available to do a full restoration.
In reply to GTXVette :
RRC is best ever. These are nice but pigs to drive.
My Bud Mickey had a new one with the 401 It would go Straight up a hill Chasing Horses with 4 people Two Bales of Hay and enough Tack to ride the Horses If we Could only Catch them. Just 'Cause they are Broke don't mean they want to go for a ride.
I love my FSJ's I've had over the year. That one looks pretty rotted out. Great car that just need about 100HP.