FIL is thinning the herd. This little gem has ro go.
1947 CJ2A (full disclosure, we know VERY little about the rig. It was acquired as part of his estranged brother's estate.)
Jeep is currently up in Republic, WA. But I will deliver within reasonable distance from Wenatchee, WA (350-500 miles for a GRMer)
Unsure what an appropriate value would be, so I'll throw out $7500 OBO for now.
To the best of my knowledge, the Jeep drove in to the shop for some repairs / lighting upgrades and has been left partially disassembled.

Help me find a new home for this?
Next up will likely be the '28 Model A
5/27/23 12:24 p.m.
I've recently realized that I want/need a flat fender in my life. And a 47 is super cool! GLWS
buzzboy said:
I've recently realized that I want/need a flat fender in my life. And a 47 is super cool! GLWS
Well here's your opportunity! Definitely negotiable on price.
I believe there is a second body and frame up there that can be included as well.
I'll throw in a Ford 300 for a potential swap to sweeten (?) The deal.
I had a '46. They are a LOT of fun.
Still looking for a new home.
Will trailer to my house soon and start cleaning up / getting road worthy. Price to increase (be less negotiable) at that point
It seems like a decent jeep, but for that price I would have to be able to drive it. Get her running. Obviously I'm not a player here in SC. GLWS.