3/26/17 7:17 a.m.
My shop overfloweth with 944 parts. Are there any 944 GRM-ers in Maryland that would like some free, some for deals, stuff? I have engine parts, transaxles, hoods, doors, airboxes, axles, wheels....lots of stuff. Too much stuff. Thinking of a spring cleaning open house in May or June. We are convenient if you are heading to the beach too.
What kind of wheels do you have?
3/26/17 8:15 a.m.
In reply to Woody:
I'm going to do an inventory today....I have a set of 993 cup wheels, and one set of cookies, but need to check if they are early or late. Stay tuned.
3/27/17 5:12 a.m.
I got sucked into working on the car and didn't get to my full list....and I forgot I sold 3 sets of wheels last summer.
For wheels, I have one set of 993 Cup wheels that fill up the wells on an early offset car. I have two early cookies painted black and two painted phone dials, also early.
I have one fuel rail/ intake assembly. One factory lsd ( no short 5th) and one open diff. Sway bars, axles, body parts.
I am interested in a set of the early wheels, please get me a price and photos when you have a chance.
Rereading your post I have a question, do you have 2 sets of cookies or 2 cookies?
rear wiper motor?
trunk shocks?