Not mine but I know the owner. Very reputable seller and shop and, best of all, the cars are incredibly cool. I also know these are clogging his storage area and he's open to offers.

Id punch a nun for a set of those BBS the face if the tires were in good shape lol
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
I've seen them up close and they're in excellent shape. If only I had a car that they fit on... or the time it would take to part-out this deal and keep a few sets for myself...
yeah, a diligent seller could clean up with that stuff on a few Sentra/SR20 forums. If I were closer, Id be really tempted to show up with a wad of cash and a pickup...
Yeah those BBS sell at +- $2200 a set all day long and I count five sets.
Holy E36 M3 am i ever doing it wrong. 
Wow, that is one heck of a deal.