Hopefully it has keys !
Is there a challenge group called "money pit" ?
In reply to californiamilleghia :
nope, no keys... towed due to parking tickets :p
current bid $416 with less than an hour to go. 
Keys are probably $200 each but without keys the steering is locked , and it's locked in gear too ,
In reply to californiamilleghia :
heck that's what two keys for an '02 Focus with the blank thrown in cost me. Question? If you're gonna turbo LS it who cares?
I guess re-selling the parts might need it maybe not. 
1/9/19 12:32 a.m.
Those have can-bus electronics and the keys are $250+ dealer only. Sounds like its already pretty expensive for a beat up CLK320. There was a nicer CLK55 AMG (that has keys) on my local craiglist for $2k lol.