
The body car is in very good condition, is a convertible car.
The problem is the alarm control unit is damaged .
I love my car a lot, but I don't have the time to fix it, and I don't use it too much.
(843) 926_4988. Thanks
Looks like that alarm control unit is a pricey pain to fix. >$2000 from a quick internet search. Plus no mention of milage.
Also, looking at the picture of the receipt from the repair shop apparently the car doesn't start right now.
I think that alarm system has an immobilizer. I am not sure what it takes to defeat that - could be ECU programming. For anyone interested, calling a Porsche race prep shop to see how they make them run without all that stuff would be worth the time.
IMHO any convertible should be able to get pretty wet inside without causing issues. A single top down mistake shouldn't be >$2000. My Miata had 1.5" of water in it from leaving the top down during a storm (I was running back to the car during the storm) and a shop vac and overnight in a/c took care of it.