I'll post pictures when I get it dug out.
Anyway, I've made the decision to trade or sell my radial arm saw. It's a craftsman, or Sears, about 30 years old. Sill works great, I think I even have the leg stands for it. I'll even throw in all the dado stuff I have for it and whatever blades are laying around.
It's taking up a lot of space, something like 4ft by 3ft, and it just doesn't get used. Hasn't been used in at least a decade, but worked fine last time I actually needed it.
I'd be very interested in trading it for a table saw, metal cutting band saw, or free standing drill press. Price wise, I honestly don't know what it's worth too anyone so make me a reasonable offer.
Obviously, it's too big to ship, but I thought I'd offer it up here before I put it on Craigslist.