Rubber bumper Midget with original paint and very strait body, now with title.
I have all the bumpers for it, there is a trans in it but no engine. This would have had a 1500 engine originally. I have a couple of possible core engines if wanted.
Yes, the bumpers are heavy and ugly, but they unbolt, and the RB cars have MORE ROOM in the engine compartment for an engine swap.
This one is very strait with it's original paint. Been sitting a long time so surely out of the system.
I have no time to be stripping these and want them out of my yard ASAP so selling under parts value. Washed it today and the windshield is good. Can take more pics of specific areas for serious buyers.
Best to email me as I no longer visit here often.

I didn't know that the rubber bumper cars have more room under the hood.
Good to know. Thank you for that.
1500 engine is physically larger than a BMC A Series.
I have been told that the steering is relocated slightly and that the firewall behind the engine was moved back a little.
Guy on another forum has a show winner Midget with SBC in it.
Cannot tell from the outside.
Got this one cleaned up and confirmed NO RUST.
Also found the title for it.
Still only $400.00 since I want to clean out my yard.
I'm kinda glad you arent on the east coast. I want to build a bike engined track toy out of one, but really shouldn't take on another project.
Good luck with sale. Many fun things could be done with this.
Thinning the herd to concentrate on my other cars in the time I have left.
Still have a complete stock 71 to get going.
No restoration, just a driver to deal with
gas prices.
I've seen a Midget with Chevy V6 that looks like it could have been factory.
Detail pics of floors and rockers. Yes, they look brown but are completely solid with no rust-out any where I could find.

Sold a while back for $600.