I can't believe Jim is selling this after only about a year of having it finished. $60 large. I met him once about 6 or 7 years ago.
Take a wrecked Corvette, slit an MGB down the middle and widen 10 inches, blend, add meth & some other stuff and so on.

Link to the last part of his build blog on BritishV8 forum: Linky McLinkface
11/1/19 9:38 a.m.
I only read the last page of the linked thread. Looks like a very clean build. I'd love to see that car in person.
When I saw it there was still E36 M3 slit down the middle but it had a really nice stance and the proportions were really well executed. He has good taste and I think the craftsmanship is strong on this one.
Reminds me of the newer/retro Thunderbird from about a decade ago.
It really works from the rear. I might have gone for a slightly more ornate variant of the grille aesthetically, but that's a personal choice. 17 years to build!
Crazy to spend 17 years building then just turn around and sell it! That would be tough for me.
the car is really good looking - I love the proportions and he did beautiful work with the widening.
Having met him previously, it isn't that uncommon to sell after build
it took my 11 years to build my 67 numbers matching Cooper S. I "enjoyed it" for 24 months and drove 350 miles
then someone gave me a ridiculous offer, and I took it. Wife couldn't believe I would sell
for many of us the chase of finding the car or the fun in building IS the fun. Time to move when project is done
not speaking for others - just myself
We all love different parts of the build. For me, I think it's the sorting process. Taking a raw car and refining it, making it work. After that, all you do is drive :)
Yesterday on britishv8 he posted that he's changed his mind and will keep it for now.
12/9/19 6:01 p.m.
I think some 3 piece panasport c8's would really round out the Brittish look.

12/10/19 10:55 a.m.
Reminds me of when Porsche took two Golfs, offset cut them front to back, welded them together and stuffed the drivetrain from a 928 into it.