Need a mule car for some product development work and no one local has a car they can provide. Can be modified but needs to have stock electrical system (engine ecu, abs, etc). Need for several months but details can be worked out for loaners.
Located in 19363 but willing to travel through PA, MD, DE, NJ, NoVa, DC, lower NY. Can trailer.
Let me know if you know of someone with one of these that wants to convert to $.
Pfft, no love for the big engines huh? I see how we are. 
I'm not too picky, just needs to be a VR6 
You hard and fast on the 96-99 or would a 2002 Jetta VR6 auto work for you? It is def. project car status.
Yeah has to be 96-99 mk3. I already had a mk4 here.
Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter) said:
Also Passats work.
Any particular year for the passat? I am considering buying a B5 passat (‘96-‘05) with the longitudinal layout for an MR donor project, i would be happy to loan it out for 6 months before yanking what i need. It would be the 2.8L engine. I thought that was a vr6 motor, but some quick googling suggests it may not be. I am not a vw expert.
B5 starts in 98 and is too late. I need a 96/97 that still had the trans mount VR6.