OK, this is just for fun.....
Here's the 948 cc 'A" series engine that was in my ~Austin A-35~
Dusty, but all there. It's identical to a Bugeye engine/trans except the carb setup.
35 British Horsepower! (hence the name).
Teeny, tiny British Zenith carb, road draft tube, mech. fuel pump, smooth-case trans, mechanical clutch linkage, hand-crank hub on front pully, etc.
It turns nicely and apparently ran nice 8 years ago when the car was stored. It will get replaced by a "cooking" "A" series 1275 and rib-case trans from a '73 Spridget. My target for the 1275 is about 80 HP.....plenty for this thing!
I think I have a home for this 948 eventually.