So, fixed my fast idle issue with a new set of gaskets between the intake and my TT plates for the HS6 carbs.
Now the car requires almost no choke to start and idles at 1K or less, which I will lower soon.
I figure I'll sync them shortly, but at least I got out for a drive tonight.
Damn I wish I had a camera with me, I parked under a light... She looked stunning.
11/6/08 8:51 p.m.
One small step for man, a giant leap for a British sports car. 
I can relate to that in a way with my own tribulations...having installed a different exhaust manifold and turbo, then pulled my intake manifold to install larger injectors, the reused metal gasket on my intake to head leaked...resulted in a very high idle and pig rich condition. New gasket and now it's perfect. Smoother running cars know no boundaries or continental distinctions.
Btw...come on man! ...even the free cell phones have cameras in them now...and they take quarter decent pics, too.
Well its was a quick run and I was not expecting a photo op :)
Looks like I've sources a 3.89 diff which will drop things down a touch over my 4:11.
So, there she was, glowing in the late Nov sun set, lovely back drop... Owned by my own camera. Batteries dead.
I have video, got this new lipstick camera so, well I mounted it to the bonnet.
Sweet vids. Reminds me of where I grew up.
East end of Ottawa.
Sad part, every year more and more of it disappears due to development.
Its not the most exciting, but quick and easy run.