rconlon Reader
10/1/09 9:47 a.m.

This brings up a good point about using your classic as romantic aid. Certainly, being covered in grease and working in the garage or buzzing around a race track is not going to impress the object of your fancy for long.
So I like to use my sportscar for social events with my lady and am always pleased that she comments about it being a real date when we use it. In particular, at outdoor events it seems to impress the partygoers when we show up in a classy red sportscar. Heading home afterwards is always a treat in the cool night air with the top down and stars out.

Cheers Ron

Karl La Follette
Karl La Follette Reader
10/1/09 12:10 p.m.

In florida it is just about getting to be classic car picnic time

aeronca65t HalfDork
10/1/09 2:22 p.m.

Yeah, the weather here in the east coast is perfect picnicing or cruising in your classic. We like to drive through Princeton or the Morristown Square this time of year in ~Our Car~. Neat to stop at a park....while we're out walking, folks often look at it or ask about it.

We've had people ask to take pictures of it ("Sure! And put your little kid in it when you do....it's not a garage queen." )

Today a gal in the post office parking lot asked "if it was an MG?"

Last week an older guy (my age!) in a convienience store parking lot told me he had a '67 when he was in college.

Sometimes "the object of my fancy" thinks that my cars are "the object of my fancy"...she kids me about that sometimes.

Leo  Basile
Leo Basile New Reader
10/1/09 2:55 p.m.

Aeronca got it. The Morgan is a great date car. Windscreen up and heater on...Folks always look and say something to their friends or to us.

No picnics though.

Series6 New Reader
10/1/09 5:39 p.m.

Weather is just getting right here in Phoenix. I have picnic'd in the Alpine but the best picnic was with the 1954 BMW with 1951 Steib sidecar. That was a picnic ride to remember.

DneprDave New Reader
10/1/09 9:24 p.m.
Leo Basile wrote: Aeronca got it. The Morgan is a great date car. Windscreen up and heater on...Folks always look and say something to their friends or to us. No picnics though.

Wow, you got a heater!? Those Morgans are Cadillacs!!

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
10/4/09 1:37 p.m.

We went out for Chinese last night and took the Porsche. Then we stopped at Bed Bath & Beyond. Yes, a romantic evening. Seriously, it's good to see those cars out there getting some use.

Leo  Basile
Leo Basile New Reader
10/4/09 11:53 p.m.


Heater defintly an option. The car also came with 2 electric defrosters. Unfortunaly those are long gone now. However, that heater blowes really hot air! Much more than my TR4, MGB, or GT6 ever did. It also has a rehostat instead of a swithch to control the fan...Kinda funny, I always chuckle a bit when I feel the heat rolling up my legs.


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