I'm going to try and do a pal a favor:
He has a Devon body shell that is complete, but in a state of slight disrepair. I believe that it was never actually mounted on a TR, but I could be wrong.
Its quite repairable, and he wants to sell it for not much money...Like "Take please" sort of money.
What are these things worth?
Can you post the location, photos, and your friend's contact info? Those things will help him quite a bit....
He lives in East Central West Virginia. I don't have any pics, and I really am not an agent for my pal. If anybody is serious, I can hook them up.
The next time I see him Ill see if I can move forward with getting the car a home.
8/5/13 4:03 p.m.
Psst - it's 'Devin', not Devon (which would only be correct if you were talking about a 1950s Austin.
I found an original, unused body on eBay a few years ago. I was very tempted, but I think it ended up selling for close to fifteen grand or something.
I think this is a case where he should go with eBay or Bring a Trailer and let the market do the rest.
Good idea
Thanks for the correction. I don't think I have ever seen it written down.