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JoeyM Mod Squad
10/11/13 6:55 p.m.
wspohn wrote: At the nursery I instructed to helper to just drop the steer manure by the Lamborghini.


wspohn Reader
10/15/13 5:21 p.m.
JoeyM wrote:
wspohn wrote: At the nursery I instructed to helper to just drop the steer manure by the Lamborghini.


Another quotidian duty I've forced my classics to was to bring home an entire MGA Twin Cam engine beside me in the passenger side of a TR-3. Removed the seat, had them use the hoist to gently drop it there and then used my block and tackle to remove it when I got home (driving very carefully!).

Got some truly astounded looks as the TR passenger compartment is pretty exposed. Told one guy it was a special bimotor version, and another that it was the auxiliary engine that cut in like a supercharger (this was at stoplights). Had fun that day.

Oh yeah, and once brought home a dozen rhododendrons in my Jensen Interceptor (back and rear seats). Looked like a mobile forest. Put me in mind of Macbeth and the old 'Birnham Wood move to Dunsinane' bit.

bravenrace UltimaDork
10/16/13 11:34 a.m.

I took my Mustang to the hardware store over the weekend. When I came out of the store, a couple were standing by it. The guy said - "Nice car! What year is it?", and I thanked him. He had a rather beat up 71 Chevelle that I nonetheless complimented, and we talked cars for a couple minutes. Then the woman that was with him asked me if I knew if my car was the original color or not. I told her that it was the original paint, so yes, it's the original color. She said "It doesn't look like the original paint!"
So I explained to her that I knew the car since new, and I was quite sure it was the original paint (and needs painted, BTW). She gave me a look like she didn't believe me and walked away.

Tahoe New Reader
10/16/13 2:40 p.m.

My trips are never mundane!!!

maseratiguy New Reader
10/17/13 10:30 p.m.

I try to drive my Merak as much as possible in the nice weather, so Yeah, I've made Home Depot trips for stuff that will fit. I have taken it to work, and other regular trips especially if it has been a while and I haven't used it. MY '83 Alfa spider is my daily driver in anywhere near half way decent weather. In the rain, snow supermarket and big Home Depot runs I 've got the trusty '99 AWD Volvo wagon.

qdseeker Reader
10/20/13 8:23 a.m.
Ian F wrote: In reply to Cotton: Don't buy a Mini. Definitely not a car to drive if you don't like having your picture taken...

Same with a first gen Honda Civic. Until I bought my semi tractor (July this year), I had been daily driving my '79 CVCC for the past 6 years. It's still all I drive on the weekends now.

ransom GRM+ Memberand UberDork
10/23/13 11:08 a.m.

In reply to qdseeker:

Wait, so now you DD a semi tractor? Pics, please...

Myself, when I have a running classic (it's been a couple of years now ) it's what I drive. The FSP 2002 and the SM E30... The Leaf's a geeky trip, but I'm looking forward to getting back into something with more character.

mattmacklind UltimaDork
10/23/13 3:11 p.m.
ArthurDent wrote: My classic is also my daily driver. I've done dump runs, hauled firewood even make scrap metal hauls in it. 1970 Mercedes-Benz 220D at the dump

I used to do that in my 300D, but I would hesitate to call it a classic, it was too rough around the edges. Thats a rover V8 for an MGB:

V81 photo P9250303.jpg

I used to drive my BGT on random errands occasionally when I lived in town. Now I live in a more rural setting, so my errands tend to be clustered together and planned, so not so much anymore unfortunately. I think I drove less than 1,000 miles so far in 2013.

qdseeker Reader
10/26/13 8:14 a.m.
ransom wrote: In reply to qdseeker: Wait, so now you DD a semi tractor? Pics, please...

Haha...Here is my money-maker...

[URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/quickdodge/media/rsz_mytruck_zps188b2ff1.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/quickdodge/media/20130831_112157_zps30dddd95.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/quickdodge/media/20130831_112212_zps03e9687e.jpg.html][/URL]

ditchdigger SuperDork
10/26/13 10:04 a.m.

Count me in as another classic daily driver. One of the benefits of living in the PNW I guess. The 63 Falcon is my year round ride.

Hungary Bill
Hungary Bill GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/28/13 9:47 a.m.

Another "classic daily driver" here too.

Ditchdigger: I'll be in the PNW in December, hope to see the Falcon on the road!

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
10/28/13 12:12 p.m.

I took the Mini out yesterday to make a run up to a winery. I was freezing my nuts off by the time I got home. The Mini needs a heater that's more effective than a pair of asthmatic gerbils breathing on the windshield.

T.J. PowerDork
10/28/13 12:54 p.m.

I use the Mini for all sorts of errands. The hardest item to fit into it so far was one time I bought a new weedwacker. The box was about as long as the interior of the Mini. In the past week, I drove it to get mexican take out, go to Wal-mart, go to Lowes, go to the donut shop, and go to the drug store twice.

spitfirebill UberDork
10/28/13 4:12 p.m.
ArthurDent wrote: My classic is also my daily driver. I've done dump runs, hauled firewood even make scrap metal hauls in it. 1970 Mercedes-Benz 220D at the dump

That is truly making a dump run.

aussiesmg MegaDork
10/30/13 9:27 a.m.

I drive the Elantra as much as 2000 miles a week, on the weekends I can't get far enough away from it.

So I use the F700, RX5.0, Ranchero, even the Rustang for my weekend DD.

I can never get out of a parking lot without having a conversation with someone, ClifFord gets the most attention.

 photo 2013-07-27_18-18-10_927_zps4f4d4676.jpg

jpnovak New Reader
11/1/13 10:23 a.m.

beer run in my soft window targa.

I brought home a toilet and sink in it a few years ago. The boxes were stacked in the passenger seat and stuck up above the roof. I got a lot of strange looks with that one.

Rupert Reader
11/5/13 2:05 p.m.

In reply to jpnovak:

Great Picture! I hear Shiner is pretty good beer. I just can't get past the smell when you open the cap!

jpnovak New Reader
11/6/13 2:28 p.m.

Shiner is local to me and quite tasty. They make more beers than the standard Shiner Bock.

retrospeed New Reader
11/6/13 8:14 p.m.

Perhaps not a classic, but I drive my 2005 Corvette conv everyday with a big smile on my face! That is what it's for. Today I loaded the trunk with a customers Sunbeam Tiger headers to the UPS store to ship to Jet Hot Coating. Like a mini pick up truck....

Dusterbd13 Dork
11/8/13 6:41 p.m.

ill rive the duster to work on a regular basis when my knee is feeling up to it, as well as pick up my daughter in it, go out for breakfast, etc.

el camino gets used for anything I feel like doing. its a truck. reason I went with a 700r4 and driver quality paint and body (if it ever gets done)

mazdeuce SuperDork
11/11/13 6:53 a.m.

The 911 is only 23 years years old so not quite a classic, but it gets daily driven by either my wife or I. We trade it back and forth depending on who gets more use out of it for the day. I plan on getting the 68 wagon to closer to DD status. I tend to only take that car out when my wife is home to potentially come rescue me. She hasn't had to yet, but I always feel like she might have to.

T.J. PowerDork
11/14/13 2:27 p.m.

Here is a pic of the Mini and the weed wacker I brought home from Lowes.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
11/20/13 9:05 a.m.

Not nearly as cool as hauling toilets, but the other night I drove the wagon to Orlando to see the Rush movie--not the F1 film, but one featuring the band. I think I parked in a safe location, too.

Rupert Reader
11/20/13 9:57 a.m.

In reply to David S. Wallens:

I think any place to park would be safe in that tank. Whenever I see one I try to park well away. Most of them around here seem to be driverless cars when on the road. They generally swing way wide at corners, bump into things like grocery carts and other cars, almost exactly as if their driver was on the phone or texting.

So what's a "driverless" car? It's usually a huge lump being driven by an elderly woman or man who is shrunk down so much you can't see them when approaching from behind. On two lane roads you often get to look for them from behind for quite a distance. They're usually driving about 40mph in the 55 and pulling a train of other cars who don't have the nerve to pass but are too close to each other to pick off one at a time.

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
11/20/13 10:11 a.m.

In reply to T.J.:

Ok... as a fellow Mini owner, how did you fit that? I think the only way I could fit that is by removing the passenger seat (neither front seats recline).

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