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justbrits None
1/23/08 9:37 p.m.


Newbi to CMS but for SURE not to Classic Cars!! -:)

I tried FOUR searchs on the New, Improved (yuk) e-bay by CURREENT, VALID Items. THREE FAILED and return No Such...

I think they rolled out FAR TOO soon. Might have even tried a CROWD of e-bayers with a beta version FIRST!!

Me thinks a Doh! with slap to forehead is called for !!!! LOL


1/26/08 12:50 a.m.

Saw this post so I had to join the website so I could chime in. The new format is horrible, none of my searches work right. It takes too long to do anything. Seems like someone at ebay had to justify their jobs so they came out with this horsecrap. Complete morons. Thank god for Classic car trader.

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