John Jones
John Jones None
5/10/08 12:53 p.m.

Does anyone have any info about using 10% ethanol gasoline in a 40+ year old car?

Shinsen774 None
5/10/08 6:52 p.m.

You will hear different opinions on that. Some say 10% shouldn't matter....others will say that it does. The issue seems to be the effect on old rubber seals, rings, hoses, etc., meaning that ethanol may causes these to deteriorate.

I always drive to the adjacent "rural" county to fill up with ethanol-free gas, since it's convenient. My car is 44 years old, no sense taking chances!

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/11/08 9:36 a.m.

What kind of car? I was always told (but don't have verification) that ethanol and MTBE attacked SU carbs. My mother worked for a company that made rubber car parts in the late 70s, and I know at that time they had real problems with ethanol -- or gasahol, as it was known back then -- ruining the parts.

John Jones
John Jones None
5/12/08 11:22 a.m.

Tim, I have SUs on a 65 Volvo Amazon, and an Autolite on a 71 T-Bird. I heard the same thing about ethanol attacking rubber components, that's why I brought up the discussion. I also asked the tech guru at Hemmings, Mike Mcnessor; he said gas mileage would probably go down, but he did not know of any other adverse effects.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/12/08 11:27 a.m.

It's been awhile since I tore into an SU, but as I recall it wasn't the rubber that was a problem. I was told it would actually attack the aluminum alloy they used. Again, don't know if it's true or how much of a concern it is.

But honestly, I suspect it may be like the unleaded fuel problem years ago. First it's a big issue, then eventually pretty much everyone has hardened seats in their head, and life goes on.

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