Ian F
New Reader
7/15/08 1:35 p.m.
After about 4 years of wrenching on my girlfriend's '73 Volvo 1800ES and '79 Spitfire 1500, I finally have a decent car of my OWN to drive (I don't really count my rust-bucket 1800ES).
Picked this up on Sunday:

What is it? A 78 Spit 6 featuring a Mk I GT6 engine and 4 spd o/d trans.
Details and more info here (seller's page):
If you bought one of Paul Tegler's cars you got a good one. I almost bought a regular Spitfire he had picked up once and was selling for a reasonble price. It wasn't exactly running though.
I loves me a spit-six, and as Bill said, if it's Teglers, you probably done good.
Ian F
New Reader
7/15/08 5:45 p.m.
Yep. It was one of Paul's "rescue" cars. He bought it as a neglected basket case, fixed it up, put all of 15 miles on it (literally), and then decided he had one-car too many when he won the Miata at Carlisle this year.
I was kinda looking for a GT6, but when he posted this car on the NASS list while discussing the Miata, I decided to take the plunge... That was two months ago... schedules are hell... 
Nice color, too. We used to have a GT6-powered Spit here at the office a millions years ago. It was rusty and gross, but it was still a very neat car.
That's awesome. Congrats!
Greg Voth
Associate Publisher
7/18/08 10:44 a.m.
I am jealous. I would love a Spit, GT6 or a TR-250.
Strangely enough those are the only Triumphs that really get me going. The rest are very nice but I get particular about models sometimes.
Now all you need is a 2.5L with Webers. Thats what my GT-6 had in its last iteration. Trust me, youll love it!