Since the TR6's arrival in Florida, it has gotten frequent workouts. It really is a testament to the prep work done by the guys at Brit Bits that this 34-year-old car has required exactly nothing to keep it running. We haven't even changed the points, replaced a fuse or fiddled with the carbs. The TR6 just starts and runs whenever …
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8/11/09 2:32 p.m.
Dude, is that Roy Estrada from The Mothers' We're Only In It For The Money in your avatar?
If so, two massive thumbs up.
5/22/13 12:56 p.m.
I just read the Funny Furrin Car article from 5 years ago. It was great!
And yes, living in Kentucky I frequently come upon unusual groups of people doing their own thing out in the country. I suppose my most asked question is "where do you hide all your guns in that little thing?" ("That little thing") meaning whatever I'm driving at the time. I have only driven "little things" since I sold my last American branded, notice I didn't say North American built, car in 1973.
What happened to the TR-6? I don't recall reading anything else about it.