We've all done it, right? This weekend we saw some friends and somehow the conversation turned to old cars--trust me, I didn't take it there.
"I have an old car," she said.
How old?
With the original V8.
We've all done it, right? This weekend we saw some friends and somehow the conversation turned to old cars--trust me, I didn't take it there.
"I have an old car," she said.
How old?
With the original V8.
We had a gathering of 6 Fiats in Lawton, OK this past weekend. A few people saw us and wandered over to say hello. One works at a Golden Coral and he had a series of Fiats and Alfas and knew all the right people in Oklahoma City who are connected with them. Another was at the motel and still owned a Fiat Racer. Many Fiatisti don't know these rare hardtop Fiat 850 Spider variants.
Happens to me a lot actually. I usually don't like to talk cars with strangers because (as a general rule) they tend to be close-minded, or just dumb. That being said I accidentally got into a conversation about sorts cars with my boss (who sometimes comes off as a bit of a rich snob). It turns out he owns an FC RX-7.
I was actually pretty impressed with how much he knew about it, and how passionate he was abuot it, especially when I'm pretty sure he's never turned a wrench in his life.
I sometimes get that because my life is compartmentalized. I have friends that know me as a gardener, or as a wine aficionado, or as having several other specific interests, and cars never come up unless someone asks me a question or visits my home.
Always pleasant to hear someone start up on an automotive topic/interest you hadn't realized they shared with you.
I'm the guy no one suspects as a car guy so no one talks about cars with me. I rarely talk about cars with civilians for most of the reasons as Hungary Bill. If people find out, it's like being a doctor at a party when everyone starts looking for free medical advice. Everyone starts making weird noises trying to reproduce whatever symptom their car exhibits. OR, people start droning about the eco-friendliness of their new hybrid.
I guess I don't get out enough anymore.
I was at the start point of a luncheon drive on Saturday & ran into a guy I knew about 40 years ago. He was driving a delicious looking '91 Miata with 16,000 miles on the clock.
I told him I didn't realize he was a car guy. He told me he had heard I died of cancer six years ago. Happily, we were both wrong.
I'm 41 an own a decently modded 99 Civic Si.
The musclecar crowd actually shows a bit of interest in it because I'm not a "young punk", so they don't immediately write me off.
Plus, I have a very good working knowledge of the domestic stuff, so I can appreciate their cars/stories.
On July 4th, I was at my wife's family get together on Lake Murray. I had a fairly long conversation with one of my wife's cousins who is a bit older than she is. This lady is a super hypochondriac. She told me her first husband raced sports cars for a living. I told her you can't make a living doing that and she said, "I know". She also said she once owned a Healy 3000 and apparently later owned a Spitfire.
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