Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter
12/3/07 9:18 a.m.

Well, this would be a good place to ask it.

12/3/07 11:19 a.m.

First of all, the new website is GREAT! The graphics and layout are top-notch. Love the way project cars and everything else is organized.

Now for the WAAAAAH part; Why must the forum be separate from the rest of the GRM empire? I had to modify my user name because my original one had spaces in it, plus it appears any new posts will no longer add to my rather anemic post total. Therefore, I see my chance to achieve the exalted and prestigious title of "Full Dork" fading into the distance. Even Half-Dork looks like a very remote possibility as I am only halfway there and rely on my CMS totals to crutch it along.

What led to the decision to segregate the forums? were some people complaining? Will my posts on this forum be counted on the GRM forum? will the GRM foum migrate over here? will biker Tim Medved summit Everest?

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter
12/3/07 11:29 a.m.


There were a lot of things that brought about splitting the two apart, but most all of them centered around providing a better experience for both groups. By separating them out, we can better provide the features each cares about. That's the main reason.

For your username: Go to your profile, and set "preferred user name", that'll get your spaces back.

For the post totals and titles, to be honest, I'm still sorting out the best way to handle that. Your post count is being counted over here, but I'm not doing anything with it (yet).

Jerry From LA
Jerry From LA
12/3/07 11:55 a.m.

Wow. What a quick response. I did put the spaces back in but it looks like my very first post here at the new CM board is lost to the ages. My name is locked in with no spaces. I did notice you completely avoided the Tim Medved summiting Everest topic. Thought you could avoid that one undetected, eh? You mean you don't watch "Everest" on the Discovery Channel? Have you outsourced the magazine to the Maldives? Is there nothing sacred anymore?

Actually, you guys have a lot of guts changing your web format, especially since you work for a magazine written for people who still think it's 1967.

Also, could we get our custom signature stuff as well? Thank you.

Jerry From LA

Reunite Pangea!

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter
12/3/07 12:15 p.m.

Jerry, you can do a lot on your profile. Don't know how much of that will carry over to the board. Personally, I'm a fan of simple and clean when it comes to a board, but that's me, and like I said, all that is still in flux.

Your first post will still count. It knows it's you.

I have no opinion on Medved and Everest.

Jerry From LA
Jerry From LA
12/3/07 5:08 p.m.

Sorry about my insistance regarding The Everest TV show. I'm home sick as a dog and slightly delerious. I did check my profile regarding a signature but there didn't seem to be a place for it. I like clean boards too but a lot of the signatures are really funny and I get a real sense of someone's personality from them. Not entirely necessary but nice nonetheless.

12/4/07 3:49 a.m.

Tim, is there a search button? And, if so, will it go back to the old stuff?

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter
12/4/07 7:00 a.m.

I need to build a search. Don't expect it to go back to the old stuff.

12/4/07 1:09 p.m.

Also, I hope you will add a transfer to GRM button. Thanks, Tim. Lot of work.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter
12/4/07 1:23 p.m.

Good idea. Added to my list.

12/7/07 12:34 p.m.

When I post a new topic is it possible to see if there was response to it specifically.

Nice work on the site.

Cheers Ron

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter
12/7/07 12:41 p.m.

Ron, at the top of every topic there's a "watch topic" button. Click that, and it'll add it to your watchlist.

Up top, where you see "new since your last visited", "top rated", and all that stuff, one of them is "watched topics" that's the topics you're watching.

12/8/07 6:53 p.m.

Well, the biggest problem I can see is that this website was designed by someone with a big screen monitor...I have a 17" screen, but I have to scroll back and forth to read posts. If I set my resolution to 1024x768, the text is too small to read.

A couple other things - I tried to change my 'preferred screen name' in my profile (i tried to put in spaces so I can go by stuart in mn like I do on the GRM website) but it apparently didn't take. Edited to add: I figured this out...it won't change the screen name on posts that have already been made, but subsequent posts get the revised name. So, never mind.

Also, is there a logout button somewhere that I'm not seeing? The only way I could do it was to go to click on my avatar, go to my profile, and then log out there. In the future it will be a pain if I always have to find a recent post to do that.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
12/10/07 12:37 p.m.

Stuart, I just added a logout button (in the bottom nav, by your name).

You can always get to your profile, or anyone else's by clicking the "members" link.

I also bumped up the post text size a bit for you.

sideache None
12/10/07 10:24 p.m.

It doesn't appear that the automatic insert image field is working

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
12/10/07 10:29 p.m.

Does now!

12/12/07 12:29 a.m.

Tim, nice work.

  1. I see you added a GRM button but is only for a specific topic instead of the whole forum.

  2. Would be nice if the avatar showed where people are from under their name. It helps to understand why they are giving a certain response. I know it is in their profile but that's a pain. I brought this up on another forum I frequent and received several pages of responses in agreement.

  3. Maybe a preview button for posting?

Hang in there.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
12/12/07 10:03 a.m.

Link to GRM board main page: done More user info: Working on that. Got a couple different ideas, and you can expect to see at least one of them soon. You do know you can click on their avatar to jump to their profile, right?

Preview: You should have a live preview to the right of the text entry box. Having a preview button would be overkill, I think.

12/13/07 9:34 a.m.

Regarding the subject display under 'Classic Cars'. There are currently four topics as I write this. How will that pan out when there are, for example, 50 topics? Will only the most recent ones be shown? Or will I have to click yet to another page to display the slightly older ones?

The old site just had a running list of what, 20 or 25 topics, on the first page.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
12/13/07 10:02 a.m.

Coupefan, the main board page (http://classicmotorsports.net/forum) gives a preview of the four most recent topics that have been started, just as each topic list will preview the most recent posts... unless you've clicked "collapse topics" in your profile, in which case you get no previews.

If you click "Classic Cars" to go to the topic list for that board section, you'll see a running list of 20 or 25 topics on the first page, just like the other board. I forget the exact number I set.

You'll need to log in to post.

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