Hi All,
I've just taken over the care and feeding of a '71 Mallock 11B. It's got one really key issue that I want to sort - one of the centerlock hub bolts is missing. This obviously means we can't do more than roll it around the shop right now. We've reached out to Mallock, and they swear up and down that those hubs aren't anything they've ever constructed. Does it look familiar to anyone? Anyone have any info on these? I'd love to run down as close to an "off the shelf" replacement, if possible, if not, I'll need to look into have a replacement made or uprights or at least the sort of adapter between upright and wheel.
Hub1 - wheel and bolt on the side we have
Hub2 - close up of centerlock bolt
Hub3 - backside of wheel
Hub4, Hub5, Hub6 - upright with no wheel on it, showing hub adaptor, drive pins, and centerlock female side.
(Ignore the little T shaped bolt, that's just to hold a wheel on to move it in the shop)
Images attached, any info MASSIVELY appreciated.