.......doesn't necessarily mean you should be racing it. The article in the latest edition of the the rag about your first race car got me thinking of this incident at the Glen Historic weekend in 2012. I don't know the true story, but the rumor going around the paddock was that the kid crashed the old man's car.

I'd hate to be the son if that is true! But if it were mine, I'd rather it be driven than parked in a museum someplace.
It may have been the ex Jacques Villeneuve Indy car as that was his sponsorhip & vintage, but we're not sure.
If you really want to see when people are over their heads click "Ferrari crash" on youtube. Proves that owning a Ferrari doesn't make you a F1 racer.
Looks like one of Greg Moore's old cars, hopefully with a better outcome.
Plenty of crashes on you tube of all types, especially powerful cars like Ferrari's. You just hope the people are safe and better for the ones who do it on the track than on public roads. Mistakes happen, most of us have been there and most of the time it's because we are in over our head. Spectacular cars make spectacular crashes.
In reply to maseratiguy: Motorcycles too!
Any one else ever seen the 20 somethings banging a Formula Ford around the Glen or LimeRock? Pissy because they didn't finish, helmet throwing, cursing out the crew etc., Daddy's money not so well spent.
'Cause you can ......
914Driver wrote:
Any one else ever seen the 20 somethings banging a Formula Ford around the Glen or LimeRock? Pissy because they didn't finish, helmet throwing, cursing out the crew etc., Daddy's money not so well spent.
'Cause you can ......
Age isn't necessarily a factor for that kind of behavior - I've seen old guys doing it as well.
In reply to stuart in mn:True enough! Snobs are snobs, regardless of age. Money is voice, some politicians say. Those with more money seem to think their voice should be louder based on their money as well.
But to my mind the worst thing going on in amateur motorsport today may be the Go Pro camera. Yes I have one, as does almost everyone else who has a license. The problem seems to be, everyone thinks they can change the outcome of events because of what their Go Pro has recorded.
Pro sports entrants can't get results changed because of what is seen on national TV. But many with a Go Pro seem to think they can protest everything out there based on their Go Pro recordings.
Heck, my son lunched the engine in my TR-3. Not as bad as that crash, but stuff does happen in racing.
300SL-Lister crash
I read yesterday that Jochen Mass driving a one of a kind Mercedes 300SL rearended a Lister Jaguar at Goodwood.
In reply to wlkelley3:
Now that really looks expensive. But glad to see there are still people in this world willing to race these cars rather than just let them sit around in the collection.
In reply to TR8owner:
Yeah, Read that they will be restored/repaired and will cost about million each but since they are each valued at 3-5 times that amount then it was considered worth the repair costs. 
How about if you can afford it, mak sure you can rebuild it after you crash it to historic spec. Sad to see but it is racing and cars do crash.
Ian F
3/31/15 7:01 a.m.
The first year I went to the Watkins Glen Vintage festival there was a big pile-up of 80's & 90's era open wheel cars at the top of the ess's. It was rough to watch as one car after another drove blindly into the mess.
I suppose one consolation is that most of these cars have been wrecked or damaged at least once in their lives and are far from original.
In reply to Ian F:If I remember correctly a similar crash at Turn 1 Lap 1 took out 7, if I remember correctly, old Indy cars at the Mitty a few years ago. I've often wondered how many of them were ever re-done.