What is the light blue car in this photo?

This was in Tyler, Texas. Sorry that I couldn't manage more/better photos. British plates, I think (pre-'63, per an online decoder). Boot and wings (See? I can talk Brit!) slope down to meet the bumper, with little or no taper.
Hmmm...too big to be an Austin, too sporty to be a Humber...not quite a Sunbeam. To me it looks very late 40's to very early 50's. Something about it suggests some hot-rod/custom type touches but maybe it is just that paint color is certainly not original.
Oooh, got it! I was wondering if it could be a Healey Westland, and Googling pictures of that brought me to the Healey Abbott:

The other one is a Mustang.
Woody wrote:
The other one is a Mustang.
Well duh, it says it right there on the bumper
The Healey moved to Georgia from Israel, of all places, in 2008. Chassis F3062. Imported by Yannai Classic Cars. Check the registration.
Looked a little rough at the time. Can't find any restoration pics.

IS this an ongoing game? How about this one?

Boy, now your playing tough. The crest on the front panel looks like it might be a Morgan or an Aston Martin
but I don't remember the car.
slantvaliant wrote:
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
IS this an ongoing game? How about this one?
1. Let's make it one! Honestly, I was asking about the car because I had no idea what is was, and had seven hours of windshield time before I could even think about researching it.
2. Morgan SLR?
Winner winner dinosaur dinner.
Did you know it or did you cheat based off the licence plate?
How is using the British registration cheating? It's a piece of data, a clue. It also makes it more interesting, because now we know something about that specific car. It's got a good story over the past few years.
Although 491HYO has left a lot more of a trail than NGO642 did. Without knowing it was a Healey, I'm not sure I could have found the latter.
I have no oddball car to contribute.
Here you go. Only ever seen one in the wild.

If it is a game, no google image searching.
Bonnet mascot looks like a Triumph, but I don't recognize the car. looks a bit like an MG TA with older Morgan radiator grill, but they were flat without the virtical crease. That should allow me to find it, but it would take googling, which by my own interpretation of the rules is a no no.
So it is a Triumph. Good job so far..
Googling is fine, but google image search I would say makes it too easy.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Winner winner dinosaur dinner.
Did you know it or did you cheat based off the licence plate?
The little winged emblem on the front was a big clue.
It would seem that there are as many rule sets to this game as there are players, and only the individual knows the limits of their rule set.
No googles and only using your personal ubernerd knowledge? Tell me what color this car is now and what the car was called when this picture was taken.

In reply to RoddyMac17:
Winner winner. How did you know that? A family friend has one in his basement. He was going to give it to me to restore but someone offered him an obscene amount of money for it so he changed his mind. He owned it for around 50 years.
In reply to bearmtnmartin:
Crap, I deleted my own post, oops (Triumph Gloria). For some reason I can remember most odd ball, or old British cars. It probably stems from reading all of dear old dads "Classic and Thoroughbred" and "Motorsports" from the 70's when I was a kid. Or, from the 12 years I spent working at a British car shop.
To be honest, it was a guess on the Gloria part, it was either that or a Triumph Dolomite (which would tie in with the Healey that started this game off).
And, in regards to the SLR, I saw one of those at Goodwood, but I can't recall if it was one of the Morgans or the one and only Triumph based SLR.
In reply to RoddyMac17:
did you grow up in the UK?
In reply to Keith Tanner:
red and red?
probably really called Prolapsed anus then renamed rose blush or something.
my ubernerd status does not include any Mazda color names unfortunately
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
Born and raised in Vancouver, but dear old dad has always owned a British car of some sort (MGs, Healeys, Lotus, etc).
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
In reply to Keith Tanner:
red and red?
probably really called Prolapsed anus then renamed rose blush or something.
my ubernerd status does not include any Mazda color names unfortunately
Fixed the challenge wording to make it more clear. You guys were swinging your obscure UK car nerd knowledge around, I figured I'd counter with something a little more recent
Although that pic was taken 22 years ago...
No googles and only using your personal ubernerd knowledge? Tell me what color this car is now and what the car was called when this picture was taken.